All they managed to do was make a cut on his arm.


I took this chance to attack from behind.

I coated my hand in lightening and when to punch him.

My eyes widened in horror when he turned around.

If he tried to attack me now there's no way to dodge.

I was almost attacking and I couldn't back out now.

My attack stopped midair as he stuck his arm threw my torso.

I coughed up blood.

The demon smirked and pulled his arm out.

I tried to remain in the air but I couldn't so I dropped to the ground and tried to cushion my landing.

What the hell? I thought I had completely concealed my presence.

Was all that training not enough?

....of course

Even with all that training and a four leaf clover... I'll never be better than them.

Asta and Yuno are amazing and I'm just not...

I can't die here.

There's no way I can just give up and die.

"Y/n!" Asta and Yuno yelled.

"Heal." The wounds on the demon closed up.

It was then I noticed the gaping hole on his back closing up.

My attack hit after all?

It was pointless since he just healed.

I fell to my knees and leaned against the wall, breathing heavily.

My vision faded in and out.

I can't go to sleep.

I can't die.

I won't die.

Not yet. I'm not done yet.

What happened next was almost a blur but I managed to stay awake.

Licht or whoever it was turned into a dark elf.

His skin was discoloured and the whites of his eyes were now black.

He engaged in a battle with Asta.

I don't know how... but somehow Asta was able to knock him back to his senses.

Asta's so amazing...

Is help coming? I sure hope so...

Yuno and Asta are too busy fighting.

I then noticed Mimosa had crawled her way over to me.

"Mimosa... you're injured." I managed to choke out.

Something wet hit my hand.

I looked up and noticed her crying.

"You're way more injured than me. Please don't die." She sobbed, "I have to go something."

My eyes widened.

Now I had more reason to live... for my friends and for them - Yuno, Luck, Noelle, Charmy and Gauche.

"There's no way in hell I'll die here." I smirked, "Though if you can do any healing even just a bit it'll be a big help."

Mimosa nodded and started to try and heal me.

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