Chapter 34.1

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Diego grunted and bared his teeth, but said no more.

"What brings you here, Diego?" Celeste stood from a stool, shooting contempt from narrowed eyes. "Don't you have government officials to bribe, worlds to cheat, or opponents to kill?"

A sinister grin rose on Diego's face, one which sent a chill down Celeste's spine. "May I not visit my favorite terrorist?"

Celeste raised her voice. "Do you not see the writing on the wall, Diego? The people of the Commonwealth rise against you and a new Empress is coming. Your days are numbered."

"The people need the Consortium, Ms. Ciel. They will come around. As to that insignificant rebellion led by a false Empress, the Commonwealth battle group will soon take care of that."

Shaking her head, Celeste said, "I would feel pity for your delusions, but you are too much a monster for that. My trial will reveal a great many damning things about you and the Consortium."

Diego blew a sharp breath out his nose, then turned toward the Commander. "I will transport the prisoner to trial."

A breath caught in Celeste's throat. Then, I would never make it to trial.

"No sir, Mr. Chairman." Alistair stiffened, glaring at Diego. "I have my orders."

"The Consortium has jurisdiction on trade matters, Commander!" Diego growled, lowering his eyebrows in anger. "You shall release her to me!"

The Commander stepped closer. Standing half a head taller than the Chairman, he cast an intimidating glare down at him. "The charges against the prisoner are not Trade related, sir. Ms. Ciel shall remain on the Arcadia as a Commonwealth prisoner."

"We shall see, Commander." With a brusque hand motion to his guards, Diego stomped out of the galley.

Celeste blew out a breath as she sat down. "Thank you, Alistair. I am sure you saved my life again. But Diego will not give up so easily."

Alistair sat down beside her. "If half of what you say about the Chairman is true, then he truly is despicable." He looked up, calling out, "Pilot!"

The face of a man wearing a Commonwealth uniform appeared on an overhead view panel. "Sir?"

"Once the Consortium ship leaves, plot an alternate course that avoids the usual shipping lanes. Suspend all outgoing coms except by my permission."

"Yes, sir."

He turned back to Celeste. "Be clear about this, Ms. Ciel. You are still a prisoner aboard my ship and I intend to deliver you safely to the Commonwealth High Court per my orders."

He is a man of duty. "I pray you do, Commander."


Not even a day passed until a crewman appeared at her quarters. Standing as if at attention, the young man said, "Priestess, Commander Miles requests your presence on the bridge."

The formal nature of the request sent a tingle down Celeste's spine. That didn't take long.

The Commander stood from the captain's chair as Celeste entered the bridge. The Pilot sat in one of the two chairs in front of him, overlooking a row of translucent control panels and view screens. A holographic star chart floated above them, showing the ship's position relative to stellar objects. It all reminded her of the small bridge on the Phoenix Star, so long ago, the ship she sacrificed.

The Commander got right to the point. "I have new orders, Ms. Ciel. I am to return to Chairman Diego's ship and hand you over to the Consortium."

"This is not unexpected, Commander." Celeste gazed into his steeled eyes, but they held no clue to her fate. "As before, my life is in your hands."

Now he must choose between duty and honor.

Commander Miles rubbed his chin in thought. "Pilot, maintain course and increase relative velocity up to drive capacity."

The Pilot turned around. "Sir, your orders?"

"Given the present political climate, I can only presume those orders were corrupted. Lieutenant, you have your orders."

"Yes, sir." The Pilot turned back to the control panel. With an adjustment, the ship's subtle bass hum intensified in a slow crescendo. "Maintaining sixty C relative velocity, sir."

Celeste let out the breath she held. "Thank you, Commander. But you may find yourself before a court marshal."

"It will be as it will, Ms. Ciel," he replied in an even voice.

"And you must also understand, Diego has repeatedly demonstrated ruthless disregard for life in pursuit of his goals. You, your ship, and all aboard mean nothing to him."

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