"What's the CDA going to use the money for?" I asked curiously. I really wasn't offended that they were trying to make money off me. After all, those fancy cars and private jets didn't pay for themselves.

"I haven't been briefed on the details. You will receive a portion of the settlement for your cooperation and endangerment though." I hadn't been expecting that as an answer. I assumed the money would be funneled into the organization and budgeted for operations.

I was doing this for my family, my real family, not for the money. 

"Wow, that's very generous." I nodded and he smiled. I could tell he was hesitant about saying too much given that he didn't have access to the actual numbers.

"The remainder of the funds will certainly help the CDA fund this operation. Resources can be tight sometimes," He gave a what-can-you-do look and shrugged.

"Well do you happen to know if I'm confined to this house or will I be venturing out into the real world?" I asked eagerly. He hadn't said when my interview would be, so I was left wondering how long I had to prepare myself.

"I don't know how much of the real world you're going to see, but I believe the interview is scheduled for tonight." He informed me. At least they weren't rushing me the headquarters right away. 

"I look forward to it," I faked enthusiam.

"Well I better get off here. I'm being summoned. We'll talk soon." He said quickly giving me a slight wave. "Oh, Charlie, before I go. For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I wish I could have been there for you and Talon growing up." His eyes were filled with remorse. My heart broke for him and the pain he had to live with everyday. It wasn't fair that he was old enough to remember, but too young to do anything.

"Ericson, you were just a kid. There was nothing you could've done to make things turn out differently. I forgive you, and I know Talon would too. You shouldn't carry any guilt around on our behalf." I hoped that would help ease his mind a little, but I had a feeling it wouldn't quite work out that way.

"Thank you," He gave a half-hearted smile before ending the video stream.

I was a lot more comfortable talking to Ericson than I had expect to be. I had my doubts that I could ever have the kind of relationship with him that I had had with Talon though. Part of me told me that getting too close would only end badly. After all, I had already lost one brother and that was enough pain to last a life time. 

"Hey, I heard you talking on the phone. Is everything okay?" Declan knocked on the door a couple minutes later.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Ericson just wanted to call and see how I was doing with everything." I explained to him and realized I felt better now, like some of the weight had been lifted off my shoulders after talking to him. 

"Oh, really?" He seemed kind of surprised that it had been Ericson. "Is it weird for you two being brother and sister, but not knowing anything about each other?" 

"I think we're both trying hard to keep an open mind about the situation. There was really nothing either one of us could do to help what was going on." I shrugged. I could have been bitter about Ericson not coming after us sooner, but there was no point. He was family and I didn't want to alienate him for his decisions. Honestly, I wasn't sure what I would have done in his situation. 

"He could have though. I mean he's known for what, seventeen years? I know he couldn't do anything at first, but he could have done something once he was old enough." It seemed almost like Declan was attacking Ericson and I couldn't wrap my head around why.

"I kind of get where you're coming from, and I'm sure he carries that guilt around with him, but we can't change the past. I'm sure he had his reasons. We can't control what happens to us. We just have to do the best we can." At this point I was certain Declan go the hint that I wasn't pleased with this conversation.

"I'm sorry, that came out the wrong way. I wasn't trying to put him down like that, or put you out. It's all a lot to take it. I know you're probably drowning in questions. I'm sorry, love." He repeated, but I still remained distant.

"It's all so confusing. I mean, what if Talon was still alive right now? Would I even know I had another brother? Probably not. It's just a huge catch twenty-two when you look at like that." I shrugged feeling kind of defeated.

"It's a lot to process. I just wish there was something I could do for you to help you through this." He looked down sheepishly. I was quiet for a second, so he seemed to take that as his cue to leave. "If you need me I'll be in the other room." He made a hesitant retreat as if he were waiting on me to stop him from leaving. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be left alone or not, but I figured I could use some time to myself. 

I decided that since I had some down time that I'd go through Talon's wooden box again, maybe read some of the journal. I had been so desperate for answers that first day that I'd skipped straight to the end, so I decided to dive into the neglected beginning. I had so many questions whirling around in my head. Maybe his journal was the key to getting my answers.

It was a very slow start. The first few pages were generic school boy thoughts. He wrote about what happened to him at school, how he was having trouble with this girl named Lillian, and so on. Frustration grew as I got the overwhelming feeling like this was a complete waste of time. 

I put the journal aside vowing to read more later that evening. Right now, I needed to prepare myself for the looming interview. But how? I had no idea what kind of questions they were going to ask. Not that that probably mattered, my answers were probably scripted anyways. 

I sunk into my bed thinking maybe a nap was the way to go. 

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