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Joe biden pov

It's been a month since I became friends with Kamala and Obama. I'm pretty popular!! But I do have one problem that pumpkin keeps spying, he's doing a bad job, and keeps trying to talk to me. But I don't care that much so I just went to lunch. I grabbed my lunch and sat down waiting for Kamala because Obama wasn't here today. Then Trump comes out of nowhere and says "HEY JOE!! LET'S HANDLE THIS LIKE A MAN!! WHO EVER WINS GETS TO KEEP OBAMA!!" It make me mad that he was still fighting about this so I answered "Okay then!!" I got up and he tried to punch me but I used my secret powers to Dodge. I then poked his eyes with my pink glittery nails. He started to cry. "Hah loser!" Someone yelled from the crowd. But.....I saw Obama! What is he doing here!? A teacher came and took trump to detention.
I grabbed my things and went to my other class before Obama has a chance to follow me.

Next day

Trump hasn't been back so I was a bit happy because of that. But I was so worried about Obama! I then got a call. I see who it's from and it's OBAMA!! I answer the phone "h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hello?" I say "hey Joe! I wanted to tell you this is person but I haven't seen you at school so....w-w-w-w-will you cum to p-p-p-p-prom with me?" I gasped! OBAMA WANTED TO TAKE ME TO PROM!! "Yes yes of course!!" I answered happily. I forgot All about prom! It's next week!! I have to get everything ready! "Great!! I'll see you tomorrow at school?" "Yes yes!!" We said bye and hang up. I called Kamala she answered right away! "KAMALA GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!!" "Hey hey Calm down BUT TELL ME!! "OBAMA ASKED ME TO PROM!!" "Oh... congrats!!" "I CAN'T WAIT!!" "I'm happy for you joe but I have to go"  I was going to say bye but she hang up? I tried going to sleep but I just couldn't stop thinking!! Ahh I'm so excited!!

Obama x  Biden With A Plot twist Where stories live. Discover now