That's A Big Golf Ball: Chapter 6

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No one's POV:

The previous night...

"What does that mean?" Natalie asked, biting her lower lip, as her eyes flickered around to those around her.

"I'm not sure, but I don't like it." Kourtney replied, fiddling with the rings she had on her fingers (one which she got from Howie she always reminds everyone).

"Well, we have six blankets, Mr. Mazzara and I will go grab the extra ones from Ashlyn and Gina's room so you don't have to go in there." Miss Jenn told them, as they frantically nodded their heads.

The two teachers walked into the room, thankful that the two had kept their clothes in their suitcase and it was still neat, and grabbed the girl's extra pillows and blankets, for the kids that weren't sleeping in there. Walking back into the room with their hands full, they saw the ten teens split off into groups of two, "guess that means it's you and me Miss Jenn."

"I guess so, Mr. Mazzara." Miss Jenn told him, passing him their blanket.

"Couples..." Mr. Mazzara started, "you can hold hands, I don't care, but no making out, please. I don't need to see my students doing that." All of the couples looked at him before laughing, "yes, I'm looking at you two" he said, pointing at Seb and Carlos, who were turning their faces away from everyone to avoid eye contact.

"Oh don't hide your faces, you know it's true as well" Ricky said, patting the two on the shoulder, in defiance, to which Carlos shrugged he guessed it was true.

Especially more recently. The two teens, although being close before, had only gotten closer due to the spring break occurrences. Fully understanding that they were soulmates in the end. They loved spending time together, and Seb was finally starting to realize it was perfectly okay to kiss his boyfriend in public.

"Is everyone settled then?" Miss Jenn asked the group, as they all tiredly let out a "yes" or simply nodded their heads. she turned the lights off and saw that Natalie and Kourtney were already almost half asleep with their eyes drooping more each second she looked at them.

Hearing a slight snore, she looked over to see Seb leaning his head on Carlos' shoulder, who was grinning, mouthing a "goodnight'' in her direction.

Looking at the bed she saw Red and Ashlyn cuddled up, with the boy's hand in her hair, stroking it unconsciously as he was asleep. She could blame the girl for needing some comfort, she had a long day. Winking at the girl who was still slightly awake, she watched her face flush a bright pink, waving to Ashlyn as she walked away to go into the other room. They removed the sign on the window so the pairs didn't have to look at it during the night.

She saw EJ and Gina (a pair she didn't see coming together) whispering to each other in hushed tones, as they noticed her and gave her a quick wave of the fingers. Waving back, she glanced at the floor to see Ricky and Nini already fast asleep, their hands placed strangely close together, almost like they'd been holding hands...

Walking back into the other room, she laid down beside Benjamin on the floor, "everyone is almost asleep" she said, rubbing her eyes, pulling the blanket up underneath her neck.

"Night, Jenny" he told her, closing his eyes.

"Goodnight, Benjamin," She told him.

The next morning

"Should we wake them up?" Ricky asked, nodding his head over towards the two teachers.

"No, it's only 8 a.m. Epcot doesn't open until 11, they can sleep for a minute." Natalie said, knowing it wouldn't take the two teachers very long to wake up.

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