Witnessing Some Deaths (Pt.1)

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Brielle jolted up awake and rubbed her forehead who was full of sweat.

"What a weird dream...."

She thought and stood up.

She was in SK to search for her friends.

April 2, 2018.

"Time to go now..."

She mumbled and went to ready herself.

As she finished, Brielle went inside her car turning the ignition on and drove away.

She looked at the traffic lights and saw it red.

She waited until she saw one person running towards the school.

Her name tag was seen.

Chou Tzuyu


She whispered until she flinched as the cars were honking at her.

She left and at the same time Tzuyu went inside the school.

Whistling, She parked her car on a gas station only to see..


Brielle mumbled and saw that the car he was using was Rin's.

It's the same car that crashed on her dreams.

She shook her head and paid the Staff and left to spy on Hyunjin.

As she was driving she can't help but feel Nervous.

She shrugged it off and parked her car close to Hyunjin's car.

She knows him because Rin once sent a picture of him to introduce him to her.

As Brielle sneaked inside the restaurant she saw a girl approaching Hyunjin.

"Wait... Where's Rin?"

She thought.

"Hey babe!"

The girl greeted and smiled as she kissed Hyunjin.

Brielle gasped.

"So when will you break up with that stupid hoe?"

Brielle clenched the menu as one of her friends were called stupid and a hoe.

"Later babe, so enjoy this today baby.."

Hyunjin held the girls hand and kissed it.

Brielle scoffed and just ordered her food and waited for the event she will encounter.

As the bitch and Hyunjin finished eating they bid goodbyes and left the restaurant.

Brielle paid for her food and went to her car to follow Hyunjin.

As she stopped on a familiar house she smiled seeing Rin get out of the house and hug Hyunjin who just patted her back.

As she trailed at their back she furrowed her eyebrows as they stopped on a Bus waiting area.

She then heard some shouts.

"How dare you!? I loved you! You damn jerk!"

She saw Hyunjin exit the car as Rin slapped him and got inside the car speeding away.

She was about to follow the car when she heard a knock on her windshield.

She rolled it down only to see Hyunjin looking at her like a piece of meat.

"Oh hey may I you know... Get a ride back home? You can come with me too..."

Brielle scoffed and exited her car and sent an uppercut at Hyunjin as she kicked him at his dick.

"Fucking jerk!"

Brielle shouted as she kept kicking him.

"Burn to hell!"

She went inside her car again and drove away.

She was trying to find Rin until she saw a car crashed on a wall as it was smoking.


Brielle shouted horrified on what she just saw.

She went out of her car and ran towards Rin's car.

"Damn it! Rin!"

Brielle opened the car door and Rin's lifeless body flopped down at the ground as Brielle went beside her, shaking her.

"Damn it wake up! Rin!"

Brielle felt tears run down her cheeks.

She dialled the ambulance.

And they immediately went to where they are.

But even if they revive her nothing....

Nothing was working.

Brielle covered her mouth.

Infront of her was Rin, Dead.

She was too late....

Brielle opened her eyes and found herself drowning on the ocean.

She looked at the other bodies who were drowning too.

"Fate has chosen you."

A voice said as Brielle tried reaching for her friends.

"Do you wanna save them?"


"Do you wish to be with them again?"

"Hold on guys!"

"And if you want that sweet memory back again..."

"Stay with me!"

"I'll give you the chance to make things right."

Brielle was about grab on Tzuyu's hand when the girl opened her eyes.

"But just so you know..."

Brielle's eyes went wide open as Tzuyu grasped onto her with a smile.

"Change their Fate."

Suddenly someone grabbed Brielle's foot dragging her deeper on the ocean.

"Then You Change The Timeline."


To Be Continued...

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