Chou Tzuyu

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"Your weak!"


"You should die already!"

"Adopted freak!"

"Wah~ go cry and find your REAL mom!"

"Your the reason why SHE died!!!"

Tzuyu jolted up awake as she sweats and breathed heavily.

She got another nightmare.

A nightmare she thought would vanish but no.

It was a lot more worst than that.

She actually felt the rocks they throw at her.

She sobbed and covered her face.

Back then she was adopted because her mom left her at a Carousel from a fair.

Little Tzuyu looked up her mom with a great big smile as her mom handed her a chocolate bar before leaving her.

Tzuyu thought she'll see her mom again but No...

She searched for her mom anywhere but she couldn't find her anymore.

Then she met this girl named Im Nayeon.

Tzuyu was balancing her pen at her nose as she waits for the time so she can meet her friends.

The bell rang and she immediately stood up bumping onto a bunny looking girl.

"Oh I'm sorry!"

"It's ok cutie.."

Tzuyu blushed and helped the bunny looking girl up handing her books to her.

"Say? Are you that cute girl from the dance class earlier?"

"I-Uh yes?"

"Cool! Mind if I join?"

"Sure... I'm Chou Tzuyu.."

"Im Nayeon."

They danced together, hangout together and cuddle together.

Until when they danced they clashed and Nayeon fell hardly to the floor resulting for her head to bleed.

Tzuyu panicked and Lifted Nayeon up running through the rain finding some help.

"One, Two, Three--"


Tzuyu fell to the ground with a hard impact.

She looked at Nayeon but saw her only laying at the ground with her own blood.

Tzuyu panicked and immediately lifted her up running outside the Dance room shouting for help but no one can hear her.

She immediately rushed to the hospital.

But it was too late.

She didn't survive.

Tzuyu blamed herself everyday, every night, Everytime, Minute and seconds whether she remembers her or find something that is similar to her.

Tzuyu went to her bathroom sitting beside the tub turning the knob on as cold water filled the tub.

Back then she always rely on Rin and Brielle as she always get detention for being late when Infact she does Chores everyday as she lives in a very toxic household.

S@#$¿? Being her first friend that comforted her Everytime she has a mental breakdown.

"-#@* protecting her from the bullies as she makes the girl breakfast, lunch and even invite her to dinner.

Now she has no one with her.

She then remembered her late sisters puppy.

It was outside her dorm on its own house asleep not knowing what her boss was trying to do.

"I just hope someone takes care of you..."

Tzuyu whispered as the tub overflowed and is now making the whole bathroom flooded.

Tzuyu went inside the tub relaxing first as she look up.

How was her friends?

Are they alright?

Are they doing ok?

She shook her head trying to get the thoughts and words of her bullies out of her mind.

She looked up the Ceiling one last time before submerging herself in the bathtub.

Soon knocks were heard at her door as one of the neighbors wanted to say that her puppy escaped and wanted to give it back.

Well yeah it was already Time for sleep but her neighbor saw her dog getting attacked by other dogs so she helped the dog.

The neighbor got nervous as no one was answering until the puppy went inside the hole on the door and went to the flooded room.

The puppy whimpered once it saw her owners hand pale and not moving as her body was sink down the tub.

The puppy immediately barked cathing the neighbors attention as it bit the hem of the neighbors pajama pants dragging her inside the house.

The neighbor now understood and immediately kicked the door open rushing to where the dog was running.

She gasped once she saw the lifeless body of Tzuyu.

Even if she calls The Ambulance there's nothing they can do to bring her back to life.

Tzuyu died by Drowning.

April 2, 2018



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To Be Continued...

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