Chapter 5

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Taylor's POV

"Why are you apologising? Why would we be mad? H, you gotta let us in." I sighed.
"O-Only you, Taylor. N-Nobody else." She mumbled. I looked up at Jeremy, who was crying hopelessly, and he nodded.
"Okay." I stood up so she could opened the door.

I heard it unlock and I quickly stepped in. I closed it behind me and crouched beside her. "Oh, Hayley..." I wiped her tears with my thumbs and pulled her into me. There was an old razor blade on the ground, and little droplets of blood near it. Her arm was torn up, dried blood all over it, but not enough to hide the deep cuts. They'd scar horribly. "Hayley please, not again...please not again..." I looked up at her face, my own eyes watery.
"I-I'm sorry..." She whispered, her eyes locking onto mine.
"It's hurts to see you like this..." I hugged her tightly.
"I'm sorry..." She repeated, leaning weakly against me.
"Don't's his fault, Hayley, not are you gonna let me clean your arm?"

A little while later, she'd finally agreed to let me see properly. She hesitantly held out her arm for me to see and I sighed sadly. I wet a towel and pressed it against her torn up skin. "Hold this for me." I instructed. She nodded and I lifted her up, sitting her on the closed toilet seat lid. She sat there and watched me as I cleaned the blood from the floor, then threw the razor blade in the trash. I went back over to Hayley, checking her arm. I looked at it, then grabbed the bandages and wrapped her wrist tightly. "All done." I rested my hand on top of the bandage and looked at her. She nodded slowly. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" I asked gently, picking her up bridal style. She wrapped her arms around my neck loosely and rested her head on my shoulder. "I-I guess." She sniffled. I carried her out of the bathroom and over to her bedroom.

Chad was still in there. He was finishing up packing as I lay her on the bed. "Hayley!" He drifted over and sat beside her, resting his hand on her hip. She screamed louder then I've ever heard, squirming away from his touch. He looked hurt, but stood up. I sat on the bed and she sat up, hiding her face in my neck. "D-Don't let him touch me!" She whimpered, wrapping her arms around my middle.
"Shh..." I stroked her hair lightly. "I won't."
"Pl-Please can't we just talk, Hayley?" Chad said softly. I felt her tense up.
"No!" She cried. "Go! I don't want you here! Go! Now! Please!"
"At least look at me." He snarled. She lifted her head and stood up. She almost fell because of how shaky she was, but stared at him defiantly.

She stood silently for a while, then pointed towards the door. "Get the fuck out. You cheating, heartless bastard!" She shouted the last part, her eyes watering again. I knew if she cried, I would too. It hurt to see her this way. Chad stepped towards the door, and then turned to Hayley. Suddenly, there was the loud noise of skin on skin, and I looked up just in time to see him slap her across the face with so much force she almost fell. "Don't touch her!" I shouted, standing up but not going over to her. She'd closed her eyes and brought her hand up to her cheek. "For fucks sake, I'm going." He snapped. He shoved Hayley out of his way, this time causing her to fall, then left.

Hayley's POV

"Fucks sake, I'm going." Chad snapped. He shoved me hard, and I fell down against the wall. I cried out loudly as I fell, but he'd left. Taylor rushed over and picked me up, sitting me on his lap on the bed. "Shh, he's gone now...he's not gonna hurt you...he's left." I cried hysterically into his neck, loud sobs escaping my lips every few seconds. "I-I loved him Taylor!" I shouted between cries. He rubbed my back, still holding me tightly. "I know you did H...I know you did. And it's horribly unfair that this has happened." He kissed my head lightly, then lay down on the bed with me. I rested my head on his chest and within seconds, I was asleep.

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