Chapter 4

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//again, trigger warning//

Hayley's POV

I stayed sat on the couch, staring blankly at Chad's phone. It caught me by surprise when it lit up. I knew I shouldn't, but I leaned forwards to see who it was from. "Who's that?" I mumbled to myself. I slid the screen across, opening the message. I felt wrong doing it, but I needed to see. I scrolled up, my eyes widening as I read the conversation. My breathing was getting quicker as my eyes filled up. I covered my mouth with one shaking hand as my tears fell quickly down my face.

I continued to read them. He shouldn't be saying those things to anyone but me. He shouldn't be calling her things like that. He shouldn't be asking things like that while he was with me. He shouldn't say he loves anyone but me! "Hayles? What's up?" Chad came back into the room. I had my back to him, but I was shaking uncontrollably as I cried, my hand still over my mouth. "Hayley?" He walked around so he was facing me. "Baby? What's wrong? What's happened?"
"D-Don't you dare call me that!" I screamed. He looked down and realised I was holding his phone. "H-Hayley...I..." He stumbled over his words, trying to find a reasonable excuse, but there wasn't one. I threw his phone on the ground and walked out of the room. On my way out, I grabbed a vase and threw it onto the ground, allowing it to smash. I did the same with two mugs, then a photo frame, then left.

"Hayley! I'm sorry! Please!" He yelled, running after me as I clumsily ran upstairs.
"No! No you're not!" I turned around as I reached the top of the stairs. "How fucking long has this been going on for?!" I screamed, my makeup running all over my face. He looked down silently. "Chad!" I shouted.
"5 months..." He mumbled, hardly audible. I looked at him, disgusted with both him and myself. "I knew it was too good to be true." I snapped, tears still falling.
"H-Hayley...Hayley please..." He was crying too now as he tried to grab my hand. I yelped loudly and pushed him away. "Don't fucking touch me!" I screamed, backing away from him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him as I squirmed about and cried hopelessly. He was trying to say something, but I refused to listen. He dug his nails into my wrist and I cried out loudly. "Y-You're hurting me!" I whimpered. He immediately let go and looked at me with sad eyes. "We're done." I said slowly, before bursting into tears again and walking into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and locking it.

I sank down to the ground, my sobs reaching the point of hysterical. Who the fuck did he think he was? " can't just stay in there." I heard Chad say quietly.
"Watch me." I sniffled, opening the cupboard and taking out the blades I kept there. "I hate you! Why should I listen to you anyway?!" I screamed, pushing up my sleeve and taking off my bracelets.
"You don't mean that..." He said softly.
"Yes I do! I hate you so much!" I began slashing the blade across my skin, slicing it open. I leaned back against the door and sighed.

I stayed in there for hour after hour after hour. My arm wasn't bleeding anymore, but I didn't make any attempt to leave the room. "Hayley! Please!" Chads voice returned and he started banging on the wall.
"N-No!" My voice was raspy and broken.
"I'm calling Jeremy..." Chad mumbled, and then I heard him on the phone.
"Can you come over?"
"Yeah, it's urgent."
"It's Hayley. Please..."
"Yeah, whatever, bring him. Maybe it'll help."
"Alright. See you in a minute."

Taylor's POV

I was lying across the couch in Jeremy's house, watching TV with him. Suddenly, his phone rang and he left the room. After a couple of minutes, he returned, a panicky expression on his face. "Something's going on with Hayley. We need to get over there. Come on." He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I shook my head. "She hates me right now. I called her a slut, remember?" I sighed.
"It doesn't matter. Come on Taylor!" He dragged me out to his car and I sighed.

I eventually cooperated and we got to Chad and Hayley's place. Jeremy ran ahead inside. I followed him and looked around. "Watch it, T!" I looked down and realised there was broken glass all over the floor. I carefully stepped over it, then a tear stained Chad led us upstairs. The bathroom door was locked, and I could hear loud sobbing coming from inside. "She's been in there for almost 7 hours..." Chad said quietly.
"It's not my fucking fault you cheated!" Hayley's cracking voice came from the bathroom.
"You what?!" I yelled, turning to Chad. "You cheated on her?!" I raised my arm to punch him. It was his fault she was like this!
"I-I'd better just go...I'll get my stuff and go...when she comes out tell her I'm sorry...and that I love her..." He sighed and went into the bedroom. I shook my head and went over to the door. "Hayles? He's gone now...can we come in?" I asked softly.
"N-No..." She sobbed.
"Y-You' so mad...I'm sorry...oh my god I'm sorry..." She cried harder, then I heard her moving. Jeremy gave me a sad look. This was hopeless.

The Business Of Misery (on hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora