Chapter 1: The Unexpected Repeating Defeat.

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Sunset Heights

The perfect town to settle in and call home. While it's no Metropolis, it is a place known for it's relatively cheap housing, nice locals, and a view of the great lake where Red gate Bridge resides on. It is a great place to take a vacation or call a permanent home from it's outstanding living costs, and location with it being near Metropolis and Mystic Jungle. The other thing known of Sunset Heights is much more... tragic. This town was the first location of Sonic the Hedgehog's first public defeat. This was extremely tragic due to the fact that Dr. Robotnik, also known as Eggman, took over the entire planet when Sonic was presumed dead, starting from this single town. Locations like Green Hill and Mystic Forest were bombed and reformed. Towns such as Metropolis and Sunset Heights were used as warzones. Hundreds of lives were lost in the seven months in the Eggman Empire's reign, and it took 2 Sonics and one brave young kid to stop the Empire from eliminating the newly founded resistance. Sunset Heights, while still calm and friendly is it was before the war, still gave the hedgehog some slight PTSD. It didn't help that he was there now to attend to a distress signal given to him from his best friend/brother: Miles "Tails" Prower the Fox.

"Sonic! We have been getting distress calls from the far unpopulated side of SH! Can you report what you see there?"

"Sure thing buddy!"



"HUH? Oh yeah. Sorry. I just got remembered something similar to this a few months ago when..."

"...I'm gonna be alright Tails. I promise. I remember what happened as too, and I can guarantee that it won't happen again."

"Really? You promise?"

"Yeah! And plus, it's not like he can do... that again twice in a row! I don't even know myself as to why he's trying again!"

"HA! You're right. Thanks Sonic. Report ASAP."

"You're welcome Tails! I will."

Sonic turned off his newly designed earpiece he got from Tails. It was pretty useful considering it can give and receive calls from anywhere in the world, so he wore it whenever he could when he traveled from place to place.

Soon after the call, Sonic made it to Sunset Heights where he saw many civilians as he sprinted and zoomed past every single building on his path. Ever since the age of six, he adapted to the motion blur that clouded his view whenever he sprinted so that at his normal running speed, which anyone could classify as faster than any sports car, he would be able to see anything and everyone clearly while going at high speeds. It's a skill that he learned when he was eight, so he became used to it a lot when he got older. As he sped through he streets he saw many townspeople who were looking and waving at him because... well, he was their hero. Sonic decided to perform a little street performance for everyone on their porches and sidewalks, as well as for his own fun. Sonic jumped super high into the air and did all the tricks he could while he was up there. He did flips, backflips, frontflips, and poses in the time that he spent in the time he had in the air. When he came back down, he did a jump immediately get back to doing tricks in the air. All with a bright smile. A smile enough to make anyone smile. As he did his final pose in the air, the applause the townspeople were giving him receded. And when he saw no more people on the streets, the dark and damaged buildings, and a shadow coating the entire road, he soon landed and went back to running to the place that Tails needed him to go to. He saw in the distance what the distress signal Tails received was about. Far away badniks were destroying houses and stores by the minute. 'Thankfully', Sonic thought to himself, 'these houses were still abandoned, but I still can't let Eggman do this.' He soon did his signature boost to get to the destruction site faster, and to prepare for a fight. 

(READ DESCRIPTION) The World of Dreams Meets the Lightning Hero.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ