Prologue: The Skillet Simmers...

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    "So, I believe that this meeting has now been what it has been for the last several weeks. Absolutely pointless." The white-hooded figure put his head down on the table onto of his arms, while sighing in the process.

"It hasn't been completely pointless..." Said the figure with an eyeball for a core. "We have been getting to know each other pretty well Hyness."

"Still, that hasn't accomplished anything, nor had any purpose, Dark Mind," Replied the suited alien.

"What Hyness is trying to say here is that we haven't made plans for anything this group was made for." Said Sectonia.

"Correct. I have accumulated lots of Dark Matter armies and Zero captains to lead them, but we haven't devised a plan to use them in any way, shape, or form." Said 02.

"Same with me and my factory on Towara." Said Haltmann.

"And with me and Dark Mind's techniques." Said Sectonia.

"See? This is why I am so baffled that after all of these lengths I go to for reviving you all with the dark hearts from Void,  we cannot devise any sort of plan to take revenge of Kirby and Dreamland. We have all of these resources, and not even Haltmann can figure out any sort of plan!" Ranted Hyness.

Silence filled the room which used to be the meeting room for Hyness and his mages on the Jambandra Base. Everything looked the same before Void's summoning, except that a huge chunk of one of the walls was missing. It was one of the nicest rooms ever to be in the base today as the summoning of Void Termina destroyed most of it, causing the base to not have any function any more. No shields. No power. And completely abandoned. Hyness got the idea to create the alliance after realizing that he could revive old enemies of Kirby with the Jamba Hearts. He chose the defunct base as a base of operations because it was the only place in the galaxy that noone would want to explore or comeback too, not even Kirby. His hopes of bringing joy to his alliance and bringing a retribution to himself was beginning to be shut down.

"So I have heard you people need a plan."

Everyone at the table rose their heads, and turned to the direction of the voice, which was in the doorway. None of them couldn't recognize the voice, or the egg-shape that was in the room with them.

"Who are you?" Asked Hyness.

"A genius that is willing to help." Said the figure.

"Doesn't look like it." Said Dark Mind.

"Well you should believe what you see." Replied the Figure.

"I am willing to give you villians an opportunity of your life time that will allow you to finally achieve your dreams, which is to conquer 'Dreamland' from what I have heard."

Everyone at the table looked at the mysterious egg for a minutes before deciding to gather in a huddle to discuss what they should do.

"What should we do?" Whispered Dark Mind.

"I don't think we should take his offer. We don't know what his true intentions are, or even who he is!" Exclaimed Sectonia.

"He said that he was the chance of our retribution. If he is so confident to walk in this abandoned room full of close-to-gods and powerful figures, then he must be telling the truth." Said Zero.

"I still am suspicious of him." Stated Haltmann.

"Well what other choice do we have? We are pretty null on any plans we can come up with, so we must take what we can get. I am welcoming his offer of help. Who else is?" Said Hyness.

Everyone in the circle nodded, some slower than others. They soon dispersed from their huddle and gathered in front of the figure, feeling and looking confident.

"We take your offer...." Said Hyness.

A grin was visible on the figure's face.

"May we recieve your name?" Asked Hyness

A "khe-khem" was heard from the man, the grin was still kept on him. A hand pulled out of the darkness, a white glove with a red and yellow sleeve.

"Dr. Robotnik."

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