Chapter 19- The Castle and the Children

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pure as rain-tear on a rose-leaf,
cloud high born in noonday spotless
sudden perfect like the dew-bead,
gem of earth and sky begotten,
bright, o bright Fedalma!

beauty has no mortal father,
holy light her form engendered,

out of tremor yearning, gladness,
presage sweet, and joy remembered,
child of light! child of light!

"This is strange." Aura spoke out loud, as they walked into Cair Paravel, yet not one person stopped to greet them. Ignoring her, they understood- she was only a former nurse here, and she doubted anyone who worked here presently remembered or knew that she was once their High King's fiancé- but to ignore the Queen beside her?
Curious, and alarming.

Aravis, who'd actually been quite pleased that no one had thrown bouquets or themselves at her on her arrival- for once, she thought in relief- looked to her companion, "What is strange, Aura?"

"Usually, word reaches about visitors to Cair before they enter the castle, and- usually- my nieces and nephew are waiting to escort us in." She began to worry- not just for the children, but for the state of the castle. She'd heard about the fire, she'd heard that Sanya had died in it- she'd been unable to get to Azraq in time for her funeral- but what if something even worse had happened, which hadn't reached her ears? She wasn't sure whether she was more anxious or more suspicious. "And the whole castle seems- agitated..."

"They did just lose their former Queen, you know. You cannot expect them to be all sunshine and dandelions at the moment- both the castle and the children."

Aura rolled her eyes, "You're only five years older than Jem, Ara. You cannot call them children."

"Still." Aravis was incredibly stubborn, which everyone who knew her was fully aware of. "I have three children, and they are three children."
She and Shasta- she still called him that in private, because it annoyed her husband and made him blush, both of which she loved to do- had welcomed their third child, a daughter named Qailah, three months ago. As a result, she'd still been unable to travel to Narnia for Jem's birthday, and it was why she and Aura- whom she had become fast friends with after she and her husband had moved to Anvard a few years ago, and who had also been unable to go to Jem's birthday Ball- had decided to visit Cair Paravel.

"Well, you've been married since you were eighteen."

"Perks of meeting the love of my life at fourteen. Even if he was just an annoying boy with a horse then." She shrugged, before frowning, "Should we ask someone where they are? It feels stupid to stand around and do nothing. Why, I could've told you three folktales in the time we've been wandering."

"Keep the stories for Seraphina- excuse me!" She called loudly, seeing a mousy-haired man attempt to hurry past them. She was almost certain that she had seen this man trailing after her nephew- his personal aide, she presumed.

Perrin stopped in surprise- he hadn't even noticed-
Oh, dear, it was Lady Aura and Queen Aravis, he ought to be exiled for being so oblivious-
"Your Majesty. My Lady." He almost toppled to the floor in his haste to bow deeply. His nose almost touched the floor. "I beg pardon, I did not see you- I mean, I saw you, but I did not realise that it was you- please forgive me-"

"Do calm down, sir. It is nothing to apologise for." Aravis smiled kindly at him, and he looked up at them, his hands twitching in nervousness. "We were wondering if you knew where the High King and the Princesses were? We've travelled this far to meet them- and offer our condolences."

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