Fuck You Fates!!!

Start from the beginning

Grim and the Fates, 


Then suddenly, my body started heating up, the restraints became tighter, the throne lit up and started transforming into a throne made of water at the bottom, with sea monsters and other creatures of the sea living in it.

Then the top half depicted earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, tornadoes, sand storms, hurricanes,s and all sorts of natural disasters. 

The middle depicted the rivers of the Underworld, the Heart, metal, the elements, weapons,s, and pure energy.

The armrests were also depicted with the image of wolves and were also carved in the image of one with a wolf head at the tip of each.

When the glowing stopped and my throne was completed, the throne was revealed and all the primordials gasped at my throne. All I could was

"Baccanna", (Author's mistake lol)

"It's not possible"

"He's the most powerful of us, second to Chaos"

I was like what are these maniacs saying?

Was it so easy to forget someone being chained in front of them?

Well, I'll show them.

"Chaos, what's the meaning of this?", I growled.

I stood up menacingly apparently those stupid chains have disappeared.

The Primordials apparently just awakening to the gravity of the matter, started muttering, 

"Uh oh", muttered Eros, he tried to flash away but he appeared back in the same place he was. Apparently, my newly gained power leaked out and locked the space up.

"The Fates have just done us in", muttered Tartarus with a look of resignation on his face.

"Damn, what a wrong time, for him to gain more domains, I might be in a rough time", said Aether, "Damn you! Fates".

Sure, I know they weren't privy to the plan or had any participation with me being chained, it's all on the Fates but what was with the look of approval on their faces when I was being chained.

Apparently, I was the only one not worthy to get the news.

Since they knew I was mad, we all did the best we could and shouted, 

"Atropos! Clotho! Lachesis!, get over here!!!!"

Then the Fates came out of their hiding place, behind Chaos's throne dragging a long ball of yarn behind them. They were in their usual haggish forms.

"Coming… Coming… Children nowadays don't have respect for their elders at all", said Atropos, though I don't know which one is which I just assigned a name to whoever spoke.

But wait wait wait, aren't the Fates the children of Anake, I looked at her and I saw hiding her face.

"Dear Fates, Our Dear Percy just asked what was going on explain to him", said Chaos leaning on his throne. 

"All hail, Perseus Achilles Jackson, Primordial God of the Seas, sea monsters, the Underworld Rivers, the Heart, Ice and Snow, Metal, Elements, Natural Disasters, Destructions, Energy, Matter, Wolves, Heroes, Loyalty, Betrayal, Vengeance and Weapons", said the Fates in sync.

" Oh and he is not bound by the Ancient Laws", said Clotho. Then they tried to flash out.

"Oh no, you don't", we all shouted, " You're not going anywhere without telling me what I was chained for", I locked down space again.

"And you're not going anywhere without explaining, you can't leave the explanation to me", screamed Chaos.

Lachesis turned around and said, "we locked you in chains because we taught you'll reject your own power so we forced you to accept it, that's all there is to it", they all spread their hands.




So I was chained just for this???

I looked at the Fates and the Primordials and they all looked down in shame.

I sat on my throne which for something that just chained me down felt surprisingly comfortable. Then asked myself,

I mean, who in their right mind rejects power????

I'm back

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