Chapter 19: Middle Names

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Song: Back Home by Andy Grammer

My feet splash through puddles as I run through the rain

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My feet splash through puddles as I run through the rain. The rain falls onto my umbrella, the loud patter fills my ears.

I walk up the walkway leading up to Lucas house, and let myself in. I close my umbrella and shut the door behind me. I saw the other guys cars out front, so I know their already here.

I hear the guys talking in the living room as I lean my umbrella against the wall. I kick my shoes off and placing them beside the door.

"Hello!" I call out as I walk farther into the house. I hear Lucas dog bark, before he comes barreling towards me. "Hey Champ." I bend down and scratch the goldendoodle puppy behind his ear.

"In the living room!" Luca calls out to me. Champ plops down on his stomach, rolling over on his back for me to scratch his stomach.

"How are ya boy?" I crouch down and rub his stomach, he looks up at me, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

I stand up, Champ immediately standing up with me, and make my way into the living room.

"Hey Roman." Milo leans over the back of the couch to look at me. "How was practice?"

I walk into the kitchen and grab a beer out of the fridge. "My body is in pain." I settle onto the couch, bringing the beer up to my lips.

Milo didn't have practice today, and Kai and Luca decided to leave practice early. Milo has a match on Sunday, and as coach demands, we must not step foot into the gym two days before our match.

He always threatens us and says, "if you do, I will send my wife after you."

"Sucks to suck." Milo says smugly.

"You ready for your match on Sunday?" I ask, leaning forward to grab a nacho. Eating nachos reminds me of the first time I met Belle. It's like she lives permanently in my head.

I remember watching her blush as I wiped the sauce off her lips. I had watched her eyes follow my finger to my lips.

"I think so, But Hawk is an incredible fighter, so it will be a challenge." Milo leans back, running his hands down his face.

"Hey man, I know how you get." Luca places his beer down and turns toward Milo. "You can't get in your head, you hear me. You are an amazing fighter."

Milo leans his elbows on his knees, "I know, I know. I just get so nervous."

"You've got no reason to be." I tell him.

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