Chapter 13: Dog park

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Song: Hallucinogenics by Matt Maeson

I stare at down at my phone waiting for her to respond

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I stare at down at my phone waiting for her to respond. I see the three bubbles pop up before they disappear.

Was it to much? I think, I don't want to seem weird.

I was waiting for her to message me a simple "hey it's Arabelle." Or something so that I could save her number into my phone, but she didn't. So instead of waiting like a normal person, I texted Milo and asked him.

Asking Milo might not have need the best idea, because now he won't stop teasing me about her.

I've only known this girl for less than a day, and she already has me hooked. There is just something about her. I know I barely know anything about her, but for some reason I just can't stop thinking about her.

The way her eyes light up when she talks about something she's passionate about, and how she bites her lips and cheeks out of habit. Her laugh is already addicting, and her smile is one of an angel.

But I can tell that there is something going on. She's a very guarded person, that much I can tell. She's got these walls up, that she's worked very hard to keep. She doesn't want to bother anyone so she keeps to herself. I would love for her to one day be able to open up to me, but I won't push it.

Okay, I'm definitely getting ahead of myself here, I don't even know her favorite color yet.

Who knows if she even finds me the slightest bit attractive.

I feel like a stupid teenage boy who has a crush.

I hear my phone ding and it brings me back to reality. I look down to see it's from Arabelle, I feel a small smile make it's way onto my face as I open it.


Miss me already?

My smile grows wider as I read her message. I really wish I had taken the photo of us at the bar on my phone, because now I don't have a contact photo for her. Instead I just have a boring grey A as her contact picture.

I look down at my phone again and decide to tease her a bit.

Not at all actually, I just wanted you to send me the pictures from yesterday.

I place my phone down on the sofa and groan as I stand up. My body is incredibly sore from yesterday, I have a huge bruise on the right side of my ribs that will be sore for awhile.

"Willow!" I call from the bottom of the stairs. I hear her jump down from my bed and not a moment later I see her body wiggle as it walks down the steps with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. "Want to go for a walk?"

As soon as the word walk leaves my mouth she  starts jumping up and down.

"Are you sure you want to go?" I ask as she jumps up and puts her paws on my stomach. She growls at me and jumps off before running around the living room.

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