11 || a mission

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Pacify herShe's getting on my nervesYou don't love herStop lying with those words-Pacify Her, Melanie Martinez

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Pacify her
She's getting on my nerves
You don't love her
Stop lying with those words
-Pacify Her, Melanie Martinez

Pacify herShe's getting on my nervesYou don't love herStop lying with those words-Pacify Her, Melanie Martinez

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February 26th 2007
Siberia, Russia

Change has never been a large factor in my life. Aside from the California experience, or Hotel California, as I've come to call it, everything has played out exactly how I expected it to. Train at the academy, graduate, spend the rest of my life doing General Dreykov's dirty work.

Living in close quarters with one of the most dangerous assassins in the world isn't exactly what I predicted was in the cards. Still, I've taken it all surprisingly well in my stride. I was born to die. To kill, lie, torture, and eventually die. No funeral. No mourners. My only legacy one of pain. Believe me, I don't expect HYDRA to change that. If anything, this little rendezvous will only redden my leger further. The dingy cell I'm pretty much entirely confined to makes a nice change of scenery from the flying base that is the Red Room.

Judging by how many meals we've been given, I've been here just over a week. I'm lying on my back, tossing a plum stone at the roof and catching it again. The soldier is sitting on the floor, staring at the wall with a blank expression, deafening silence drowning the room.

Suddenly, the door bursts open and two guards walk in, guns raised, whilst more barricade the door, "Up, both of you!" the first guard yells.

We both stand up, as Alexander Pierce walks in, "Soldier, with me." he instructs, "Julya, go train."

When I leave the room, I'm escorted in the opposite direction to the soldier and lead to a well-equipped gym. The paint, like all of the walls in this underground maze of corridors, dungeons, and random rooms, is peeling off, revealing the water-stained walls beneath. All the guards leave me alone, so I just get on with training, enjoying the luxury of stretching my muscles for the first time in what feels like years.

Half an hour later, I'm using the punch bag in the gym, when Pierce walks in, followed by two guards, and drops a file on the table. I glance back and throw one last punch, as hard as I can, sending the bag flying up, narrowly avoiding hitting the roof.

"Read this over." he instructs, "You and the soldier are going out on a mission."

I pick up the file and open it up, "Who's the target?"

"Habib Abdi. Nuclear engineer." he tells me, "Eliminate. No witnesses."

"Got it." I close the file and plop it down on the table, going to walk out and get ready.

"There's something else." he calls after me, "He may have an escort protecting him. I believe you've met her." I glance back, "Natalia Romanova."

The Black Widow.


"We've left you a change of uniform in your cell." I look down at my Widow uniform, which is covered in grime and tears after being locked up by HYDRA for so long, "If this mission is a success, your Widow days may be behind you. You'll simply be a part of HYDRA."

I nod and head back to my cell, where the soldier is waiting, sitting on the bed with a blank look on his face. He looks up at me, no trace of recognition on his face

A message from the author:I'm pumping out the chapters today man

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A message from the author:
I'm pumping out the chapters today man. Anyway, chapters should be getting a bit longer now. Anyways, hope you all had a good day! Remember to vote and comment! See you all next chapter! (;

- Hannah xoxo

Word count: 573

Date published: August 30th, 2022

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