Chapter 4

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The next morning started with Professor McMahon starting a new lecture. Christina made it in time, however, Drew was nowhere to be found. This caused a sense of worry upon Christina's face, wondering if Drew is okay. When lunch time came around, Christina went into the classroom to eat her lunch while working on the PowerPoint for the project. She came up with the title "Drew McIntyre: The Road to Redemption", showcasing the Superstar's path to redemption after dealing with multiple situations that jeopardize his first run with the WWE. She started with the first two slides of Drew's first run with the company with Dave Taylor by his side and Mr. McMahon's segment announcing him as "The Chosen One". She added in the slide he will become a future World Heavyweight Champion. She saved the file and went back to her class, and still Drew didn't show up.

Around 2:00PM, Christina has finished her classes, but she decided to stick around and continue working on the project. Feeling frustrated that Drew didn't show up, she wanted to get up and leave when suddenly, the door opened, and Drew came in wearing not the usual leather trench coat and his wrestling trunks; he came wearing a plain black shirt that hugged him like a second skin, showcasing his muscular arms and chest, dark blue jeans, and black sneakers. His hair was slicked back into a ponytail, showing off his beautiful blue eyes, dimples, and beard all in one shot. Christina stood in her tracks and was staring in awe of the man before him that she confronted yesterday.

"Christina, I am sorry for not coming into class earlier today." Drew said. "I had a lot of things to think about."

"I'm sorry for staring at you the way I did." Christina replied. "I was a little worried about why you didn't show up. I wanted to tell you that I am sorry for my outburst yesterday."

"You do not need to apologize, Christina." Drew replied. "I will admit, what I said to you was very selfish on my part and I am willing to help you ace this project. I hope we can start over, so we can work on this project together." Drew said, with a glint of hope in his voice.

"Who are you and what happened to the Scottish Psychopath?" Christina replied, shocked.

"That's not important, this project is much more important." Drew replied, in a firm but sexy stern voice.

"Okay, fair enough." Christina said. "We are starting over right now, are you ready to help me ace this project, Drew?" Christina asked.

"Yes, I am beautiful, let's get it done." Drew replied. Stunned, Christina couldn't believe Drew called her beautiful. The butterflies in her stomach were starting to form, and deep down, she liked him calling her beautiful.

Christina and Drew sat down together and went over the first few slides of their PowerPoint. Drew was very impressed with Christina's contribution to the project. He decided to create a slide, explaining the emotional rollercoaster he was going through regarding his mother's cancer diagnosis.

"May I use your laptop and create the next slide?" Drew asked Christina.

"Of course, you may, Drew. The floor is yours." Christina replied.

Drew started typing about his personal downfalls regarding his divorce from Taryn Terrell, and his mother's cancer diagnosis. As soon as he was typing about losing his mother to cancer, tears were starting to form in his beautiful blue eyes. What he doesn't know is Christina is watching him break down and she, herself is witnessing the man behind the Scottish Psychopath is breaking down in front of her and she starts to form tears in her eyes as well. Drew got up from the chair and went to the edge of the desk, with his hands on his face.

"Drew, please don't cry." Christina replied with tears in her eyes.

"I miss her so much, Christina." Drew said, crying. "It hurts so much to know that she is not with me anymore. I lost my mother and it fucking sucks so bad."

"I'm very sorry you lost your mother, Drew. Losing a parent is the worst feeling in the world." Christina replied, sadly. "Your mother will always be with you everywhere you go, remember that."

Christina took Drew's hands and wiped his tears from his beautiful, handsome face. Then, she reached up to give him a warm and loving hug to help him feel better. Ignoring the butterflies in her stomach, she kissed his tears away, took a leap of faith and kissed him on the lips. Surprisingly, Drew kissed her back with so much love and emotion and hugged her tightly while kissing her never wanting to let her go. Drew let his tongue slide on her lower lip, asking for entrance and she granted his request. Couple of minutes later, both Drew and Christina broke the kiss, breathing for air.

"As much as I want to keep you in my arms and never stop kissing you, beautiful, we have to finish our project." Drew replied huskily.

"Your house or mine?" Christina asked.

"It's your call." Drew said.

"No Drew, we make the decision together." Christina replied.

"Would it be okay with you if we can finish the project at my house?" Drew asked, feeling hopeful.

"I would love to finish our project at your house." Christina replied, happily.

"Then it's settled, get your stuff and we will take the drive to my house." Drew said in a sexy demanding tone.

"Look at you, being sexy and demanding, McIntyre." Christina replied with a smirk.

"You haven't seen anything yet, beautiful." Drew replied and winked at her.

Christina's face was blushing, giving him a sweet kiss, and releasing him so she can get her things and head out to Drew's house to finish their project. Unbeknownst to them, Dolph was watching from outside the classroom and a sense of jealousy was running through him. He was plotting his plan to go to Drew's house and sabotage their developing relationship so he can have her all to himself.

Chapter 5 is coming up! 

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