Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 18

Start from the beginning


5 years ago.

When Tsukumo's parents told me that I was abandoned, I was in shock and depressed that I was locked up in my room for a full week.

Then Grandma Haru told me that her friend in the Duel Sanctuary would teach about something and help me, So agreed.

During the Duel Sanctuary, I kept losing my Duels against Master Roku again and again until I didn't stand up anymore.

Roku: "Hey stand up, we're not finished!"

Then Yuto looks at Roku.

Yuto: "Why do you help me, Master Roku?"

Then he looks down.

Yuto: "My real parents left me, abandoned me, I have nothing left!"

Master Roku shook his head.

Roku: "Your real parents left you, but you have your new family the Tsukumo family, they will always be there for you!"

Then Yuto cried on the floor and realized what he meant.

So the days in the Duel sanctuary I helped Roku clean the place and the statue and kept improving my Dueling against Roku until I beat him.

Many days later.

I finally beat Master Roku and I was ready to leave and go back to the Tsukumo family too where I belonged before I left I hugged Master Roku and said goodbye to him.

When Yuto returned to the Tsukumo family home he entered and saw Yuma's parents, Yuma, Big Sis Kari, and Grandma Haru celebrating my return. I was so happy to have a real family in my life.

End of Flashback

Yuto: "I miss them..."

Then he took out his picture with Yuma, Big Sis Kari, and Grandma Haru with Yuma's parents at the back, and Yuto is smiling beside Yuma and becoming a real family smiling.

He smiles at it.

But there is something about what Yuma's Parents told me about Big Sis Kari and me in the car when we were in the car.


In the car.

Yuma's Dad is in the driver's seat Kari is on the side of Dad's Mom's side of me and Yuma is asleep on Mom's shoulder.

Dad: "Kari and Yuto." said with a serious look

Then we look at Dad.

Kari: "What's up with that serious face all of a sudden?"

Dad: "You both have to watch over Yuma's duel." 

Dad: "One day his duels will trigger something big." 

Yuto: "Eh? What do you mean, Dad?"

Dad: "You'll both understand one day."

Kari: "What is this Yuma-this, Yuma-that!"

Mom: "Kari you're the Big sister and Yuto is the Big brother, so it can't be helped."

Yuto: "What do you mean Mom?"

Mom: "As his Older sibling, you'll have to spend more time with him."

Mom: "Yuma will have to rely on you both more."

Mom: "One day, we will have to leave you three."

Yuto: "Ok Mom! Dad!"

Kari: "Geez, I don't get it, sounds like I'm on the losing side!"

Then Dad spoke.

Dad: "Oh! Yeah, Yuto!"

Then Yuto looks at his father.

Dad: "Keep on improving your Duel son and always be ready!"

He nods.

Dad: "Oh! And I want to see your future girlfriend as well!"

Yuto blush.

Yuto: "DAD!!"

Mom: "I want to have Grandkids to spoil!"

Yuto: "Mom is embarrassing!"

Dad: "I keep on a minimum of three okay!"

Then Mom hit Dad's head with a paper fan.

We laugh at Dad's misfortune.

End of Flashback

Yuto: "That Dad of mine."

Yuto: "To keep on a minimum of three...What is he thinking?!"

Yuto: "So that's what Dad was talking about huh?"

Yuto sigh.

Yuto: "And I have to find out what this ring is about and these foggy memories of mine."

Then he heard a footstep heading on the school roof and saw Tori there.

Tori: "Yuto there you are!"

Tori: "You skip the meeting!"

Then jump down and landed.

Yuto: "Sorry...I'm lost on thought on the time." said with a small smile and bow

Then we heard another footstep going to the roof and saw a beautiful woman who looked like Tori.

Then the woman saw us.

Tori's Mother: "I nice to meet you Yuto, my daughter always keeps talking to you at home like this Yuto-this, Yuto-that."

Yuto and Tori blush at what Tori's mother talking about.

Tori's Mother: "Oh and I have your blessing on dating my daughter,"

Then both of them blushed.

Yuto: "U-Uhm....M what?!"

Then Tori grabbed my hand drag me downstairs.

Tori: "Come on Yuto, you'll miss P.E.,"

Yuto: "Ah! O-Okay!"

Yuto bows to Tori's mother and heads down.

Mini Timeskip

At the Gym Class.

Everyone has almost done jumping the stack of the box and I see Yuma standing on the wall behind us.

Yuto: "It's okay Yuma, you have one family here with me, you're Older brother!"

Then Yuma looked at his bro Yuto smiled at him.

Then we heard Big Sis Kari and Grandma Haru here in school and trying to cheer Yuma.

Then Yuma is smiling again at his Big sis Kari and his Grandma Haru here.

Then Yuma is ready to jump the biggest stack of the box and start to run.

Yuma: "I'm feeling the flow!" said with a smiling look

Then I look and see an image of Dad and Mom here with Big Sis Kari and Grandma Haru smiling.

I cried a little a smiled and Tori held my hand and nodded and smiled at me.

Then I smiled as well.

End Chapter

P.S: I am sorry if you don't like this chapter bear with me I am trying a character development of Yuto Tsukumo. Again I am sorry. I love you how you are reading this. Peace out! =) 

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