Chapter Seventy-Six

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck?" Yennefer declared. "You should have stayed dead."

As she advanced on them, Robin shook her head. "Yennefer, don't!"

"Stop!" Geralt called, having finally reached them.

He ran into the cave and eyed Téa and Véa suspiciously. "How?" he asked.

There was a roar from above and they all looked up as a magnificent gold dragon with red webbed wings joined them. It eyed Geralt and Robin fondly, then spoke.

"Sir Witcher and his mage," it said.

Robin instantly recognized Borch's voice and glanced at Geralt. She'd had no idea that dragons could turn into men.

He shrugged and continued to listen.

"Hello again," Borch greeted them.

"Impossible," Geralt couldn't help muttering, even though the evidence was standing before him.

"Nothing is impossible, Sir Witcher," Borch disagreed. "If you would only allow yourself to realize that, you would be happier."

He stared knowingly at Robin as Téa explained. "When the dragoness was injured, her cry was heard by Villentretenmerth."

"But the egg could not be moved," Véa picked up the story, "or the life inside it would die."

"That's why the dragon attacked," Geralt realized.

"She was protecting her baby," Yennefer murmured.

Robin watched as the mage's hand went limp around her dagger. She saw genuine remorse in Yennefer's face, and in that moment, she made another decision.

She wasn't going to kill Yennefer to stop her. She was going to save her from herself. She'd almost given up yesterday, but now her conviction was renewed.

"And then we heard about the king's hunt," Téa finished, "and realized we had to keep our enemies close."

"And so I came to find you," Borch revealed, "the white-haired witcher, the knight who was taught to save dragons instead of kill them."

Geralt blinked. A dragon had come to find him because he thought he was a hero.

That was a twist he hadn't seen coming.

Robin turned as the Reavers arrived. Her hands instantly ignited and she shook her head. "You're not coming a single step closer," she informed them.

Boholt just laughed. "Looks like we get to fuck up the whole family," he stated. "Slay that dragon!"

They advanced. Robin lit two Reavers on fire, then pulled a dagger from her boot and started to fight another. Geralt and Yennefer, along with Villentretenmerth, Téa, and Véa, all joined in.

"Boholt's mine!" Yennefer called.

Robin was more than happy to let the mage have him. She was more concerned with their severe tactical disadvantage at this point. The Reavers controlled the mouth of the cave.

Geralt was fighting five men at once. He was managing, but Robin knew he couldn't forever.

She ran towards him and held out her hand. "Aard, now!" she commanded.

She could enhance the sign using her magic and blow them all out of the cave, as long as he was touching her.

She didn't expect him to grab her around the waist and pull her in for a kiss when taking her hand would have sufficed, but the moment his lips touched hers and his power flooded through her, something happened.

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