Chapter Forty-Eight

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Dillingen, 1248

Jaskier nodded as one of the last remaining patrons at the inn dropped a few coins into the purse sitting on the table next to him. He was done singing for the night, but was strumming out a few soothing melodies as the stragglers went upstairs or home.

He glanced towards the fire. Geralt had been sitting there for hours now, unwilling to move because Robin had fallen asleep in his lap, even though he could have easily lifted her without disturbing her.

Jaskier suspected that the witcher liked to be seen with his sister, and not just because it let everyone know that she was out of their reach. The soft and loving way she treated him made Geralt feel valued, like he'd finally found the gratitude he'd expected for giving up his life to become a mutated monster slayer many decades ago.

Part of him wanted to knock their heads together and just make them admit that they loved each other. He'd seen it since the beginning, and thanks to Geralt's brush with death in Temeria, Robin had finally realized it for herself. Although the fact that she would no longer talk about it, with him or Geralt, was rather infuriating.

Geralt was a tiny bit closer to admitting it to himself, perhaps, but Jaskier had no idea how long it would take him to get there. The witcher was a grumpy old man with an intense stubborn streak who had been mistreated for most of his life. Jaskier understood that that made it hard to trust, hard to feel.

But if they would only admit it, he knew that they would both be extraordinarily happy. And he wanted them to be. His sister deserved every happiness in the world, and he'd even come to care enough about Geralt to want him to have that too.

He finished his last song, setting his lute aside and grabbing his purse to put it away.

Robin stirred in Geralt's arms and looked up at him sleepily. The witcher smiled, kissed her forehead, and stood to carry her upstairs.

Jaskier followed, heading to his own room. He flopped down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling.

One day, their feelings would come out, whether they wanted them to or not.

He just hoped they could accept them when it happened.

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