Chapter 𝙊𝙣𝙚

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Enez Lyons
First Day of School
6:30 a.m.

I roll out of bed and turn off my alarm. School starts at 7:30, and it's already a ten minute drive from our place. I'm wearing nothing, and the morning cool causes prickly goosebumps to line my exposed skin. My room's a mess, but I'll never clean it up and I sho as hell don't got time this morning. Ion even get why Texas high schools start so late, I'm used to waking up at five and having to be at school by seven and shit. Don't even think about throwing in morning basketball or track practice back home.

I want to get there early so I can scope the place out and see what type of school Pastrami High is. Texas so far has been wayyy different than Baltimore, and I'm sure school won't be no different.

I shower, do my facial shit, then throw on my first day of school fit. I'm wearing a plain black tee, some hunnid dollar jeans I stole back at a mall from home, black and white Jordan's, and I'm topping off my fit with my silver chain. My hair is straightened into a lopsided bun on my head, and my freshly exfoliated lips are itching for a blunt to sit between them.

I spritz myself with some light cologne that smells like berries and something rustic, then head to the kitchen. Ion think we been in South Houston for a month and the apartment already trashy and messy. We moved here because my folks fell out with a local gang and they was really tryna get some shit back in blood. We not hiding or nothing, we just giving them they space.

And I say that in the most sarcastic way possible.

I see lines of that white shit my mama like to abuse on the counter, and normally I'd clean it up, but I don't wanna piss her off by moving her shit. Bottles line the kitchen island like this shit a bar- that's all my father's work. He's a fucking drunk and he cheats all day long. I pass by Eda's room, pronounced "eye-da", but she isn't in there. I doubt that she decided she was gonna head off to school early, even if it is the first day. My sixteen year old little sis probably skipping or doing God know's what in this unfamiliar city.

I shoot her a text real quick to stay safe and drop her addy in case anything goes down. I grab the car keys for my matte black Kia, knowing nothing in the fridge for my stomach to call breakfast. I'd just buy something at the school if they breakfast looked decent, or if I see a Mickey D's or something on the way.

I'm in the car driving when my bestie from back home shoots me a message.

Bestie💙🥶: hyd? gm e 💙

Me: I'm doin dandy nigga 🤠

Bestie💙🥶: sound like a bitch ik 🤣 jk jk

Me: niggas weird out here 😖 I wanna go bck home

Bestie💙🥶: how they weird??

Me: they just is. they lame. 🥲

Bestie💙🥶: nahh, u prolly just b mean. stay safe, and watch eda 💙

Me: she alr gone. idek where she went 2day

Bestie💙🥶: prolly kickin it up wit sumbody, don't worry too much Enez

Me: ima try, I'm at school now

Bestie💙🥶: make sure u pay attention to ur teacher 😄

Me: fuck u 🖕🏼

I pull up in the student parking lot, following a really bad driver. I hadn't signed up for a spot, but I figure if I just creep in nobody will notice for today. Ima have to remember to sign up before they tow my shit by the end of the week though.

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