eight| Impatient

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I finally got my arm somewhat stitched up from one of JJ's "connections". It was definitely not the most trustworthy thing ever, but it did the job, I guess.

I finished changing the bandage over the stitch and got up from the end off the pull out bed and heard JJ snoring from my room. I rolled my eyes and got a couple canned beers and headed outside.

John B was laying on the hammock with our fathers compass in his hand.

"JB" I tossed him a beer, laying on the other side of the hammock. "It's really his, huh?"

"Sure is. How's the arm?" John B say fidgeting with the compass.

"Good, I guess. I mean, as good as it's gonna get." I look out into the water, "He's out there right?" I look back at him.

"He is." He sighs, the corners of his lips slightly moving up. "I really think he is."

"I hope so. Gosh, I-I really miss him." I stutter. "I mean, wasn't the best but he was all we had ya' know?"

"We're gonna find him. Jaz, we are."

We sat in silence watching the water, sipping our beers for a bit.

"Do you think JJ is right?" I break the silence sitting up. "Do we really have nothing to lose?"

"I dunno...The only thing we could lose is eachother. So yea, we do have something to lose."

I smiled and laid back down. Soon, falling asleep.


When I woke up early too the roosters and got up and into the house, John B was already gone. I looked around for JJ and forgot he fell asleep in my room.

I groan, "JJ. Scoot overrrr." I drag out pushing his back.

"Ugh." He whines moving over to one side of the bed. "It's too early for this."

I laid down facing the middle slowly falling back asleep. Then I opened my eyes to Jj turning around.

He smirks. "JJ! No! Turn around."

He frowned, "You are no fun Jazlyn."

"Yeah huh. Now let me go back to sleeeep."


I jumped up from bed hearing a loud bang on the door.

"DCS! I know your in there."

I poked my head out the hallway door way looking at John B, who was on the the couch, that also woke up.

We looked back and fourth between the door and each other.

The suddenly JJ banged on the window jumping out. "Gotcha, slick." He chuckles

I flinched, "Fuck you, JJ."

"You should have seen your face it was like..."

John B groans, I roll my eyes walking back into my room to get ready. John B and JJ agreed to drop me off at the surf shop for my shift on their way to Mrs. Grubbs. For work I put on some blue ripped jean shorts and One of JJ's old surf shop t-shirts that was big on me. JJ used to work with my at the surf shop for a bit, but of course, he got fired so he stopped working for a bit.

John B, JJ and I finally all hoped in the twinkie and headed to the shop.

"I'm just saying, I don't understand why you don't at least try with Kiara." JJ looks at JB. "She clearly likes you. She's all like, 'Oh, John B." He moans.

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