Chapter 4

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"Uh, mom. I need to speak to you about something, " you asked your mother, who was washing the dishes. Your mother turned her head and looked at you quizically. "You see...I've joined an after school club, and I'm going to be staying late everyday, " you explained in a rushed tone.

"A club? Why didn't you ask me first?" your mother turned the sink off and turned to you. "Well...they seemed really desperate for a new member. And, I just joined without thinking because I didn't want them to plead so much, " you quickly made up and excuse.

Your mother sighed and stayed silent for a moment. "Alright. What is this club called?" your mother finally asked. "Oh, they're called the Broadcasting Club, " you responded. "Broadcasting Club? What do they even do there?" your mother said, raising her eyebrow in confusion.

"I'm...not really sure. I guess I didn't ask them about it, " you realized that you didn't know what the Broadcasting Club did. "You didn't ask them? Goodness, can you be any more forgetful? Please ask them tomorrow, I don't want them keeping you out so late, " your mother lectured.

"Remember, you need to raise your grades. Don't let a silly club distract you, got it? It's the least you can do, " your mother added, turning back to the dishes. You looked down and let out a sound of acknowledgment. You rushed straight back to your room to study.

"Ugh, it seems like my whole self-worth is my grades! I know I need to do well in my studies, but surely I have to enjoy my youth as well..." you plopped onto your bed. You laid there for a moment, thinking about everything that happened in the span of two weeks.

'Hm...maybe tomorrow I can ask Nene-chan to eat with me at lunch time. But she sometimes goes to the bathroom during lunch. What about Aoi-chan? Right, she needs to something with Akane-kun. Then what can I do!?' you thought to yourself, letting out a deep sigh.

There was a nice garden in the school. It was filled with pretty flowers and butterflies of every colour. Maybe you could have a walk there. It would be peaceful. With that plan in mind, you reached into your bag and pulled out your text book. Well...time to study the night away.






"This was a fantastic idea. I've never felt so calm, " you sighed dreamily, letting the gentle breeze play with your hair. You were taking a walk through the school garden. It was nice change from the stuffy classroom and busy hallways. You bent down and admired some pink flowers.

"I remember when I used to pick these..!" you suddenly realized, brushing your finger against the petals. Your eyes softened as you remembered rushing in with these flowers, and handing them to your mother. Those were simpler times, times you wish you could return to.

"I wish I could pick these. But without permission, no can do. I wonder who runs this garden, I'd like to meet them, " you sighed. You sat back and watched the flowers flow in the wind. It was quiet, and you took this time to close your eyes and smile. It felt so peaceful like that...


Your eyes snapped open and you looked around. What was that noise? "Hurry, hurry!" that voice sounded a little frantic. You got up and ran to where you thought the noise was. You cautiously pushed the leaves of the bush apart and looked inside. It was a strange sight you were met with.

The little bunny things again. They were holding up colourfully-wrapped candies in between their ears, looking around. They suddenly looked up at you, and their beady eyes widened. You were silent for a moment. The bunnies started freaking like they did the first time you met them.

"Ahh! Run!" one of them shouted. They began jumping and scattering away. "Ah, wait! Please don't run, I swear I won't hurt you!" you shouted. The bunnies stopped their panicking and walked towards you. One of them stepped forward and held out the candy it was holding.

"Have a candy!" it said in a cheerful tone. You looked at it for a moment before reaching down and taking it. "Oh- thanks..." you mumbled. You quickly unwrapped the candy and popped it into your mouth. ", this is good! It's been some time since I ate candy"


The familiar voice made you snap your neck in it's direction. There stood your white-haired friend, her redish-orange eyes widened in shock. She wore a sweater with shorts. "Ah-Nene-chan! You work here in the garden?" you said, looking back down at the bunnies casually.

Yashiro walked towards you wordlessly. She looked down at your sitting figure. "Uh..Nene-chan?" you said awkwardly. Yashiro crouched down and stared at you then at the pink bunnies. "Y/N-chan, you can see the Mokke?" she asked you in a serious tone. You were surprised.

"Mokke? You mean these little bunny things? Oh, um, yeah I can see them. Why?" you tried to respond casually. Yashiro hummed in reply. "Y/N-chan, these are supernaturals. Their ghosts. How can you see them?" she asked again, staring into your E/C eyes intensely.

"Their supernaturals...? I..I don't know how I can see them!" you said. That's right, the same thing happened with Tsukasa. You could see him and Mitsuba. How were you able to see ghosts and supernaturals? It didn't make sense. Yashiro sighed and took your hand.

"Y/N-chan, you didn't know you could see spirits, right?" she said. You shook your head frantically, your heart beating faster at your panic. She pulled you up and began taking you somewhere. You were a bit neervous as to where Yashiro wanted to take you.

"Umm...Nene-chan. Where are to taking me?" you asked quietly. "I think you need to meet someone. He's the only person I know that can make sense of this..." she told you. You tilted your head in confusion. Whoever this was, he must be a beliver in ghosts and spirits. could Yashiro see the Mokke if they were ghosts?

𝐀 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥  𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now