The other three people's jaws dropped.  "They destroyed a battleship?" Mr. Pierce asked in shock.

"Mmhmm," Arthur said with pride.  "Lilly is one hell of a woman, ain't she?" he said as he relaxed in his seat with a big smile on his face.  "Her comin' into my life that day in Blackwater was fate, I'm sure of it.  I often think about what my life would've been like if I never met Lilly, and..." he sighed.  "Somethin' tells me I'd either be a miserable, lonely son of a bitch or dead if it wasn't for her."

Lugh smirked at Arthur.  "Uh, Arthur, I should probably tell ya...Lilly and you are twin flames."

Arthur lazily glanced at Lugh.  "What's that?"

Brigid cleared her throat and turned her head to look out the window of the carriage.  "Basically, the concept of a soul mate," Lugh explained.  "She is literally yer other half."

Arthur chuckled loudly.  "I knew it," he sighed before giving Lugh a curious look.  "Do you guys have one?"

Brigid remained silent as Lugh glanced at her, then he shook his head with a smile and focused back on Arthur.  "I dunna know about her, but...yeah, I dunna think I have one," he said with disappointment.

"Why not?" Mr. Pierce asked.  "Maybe you just haven't found her yet."

Lugh raised his brows then relaxed them quickly before gazing out the window.  "I've been all over the world and tah all the ethereal realms that...are supposed tah guard over Earth.  I havena found them anywhere, so I must not have one.  It's probably fer the best, really," he said, sighing with a sad look on his face.

"Ah, Lugh," Arthur said with a frown.  "Ya know what?  Once this war with Carman and her friends is over, we're gonna focus on findin' your twin flame."

Lugh looked at Arthur excitedly.  "Really?  Ya'd help me with that?"

"Of course I will!" Arthur laughed.  "Hell, you helped me get back mine!  The least I can do is help you find yours!"

Brigid sighed before looking at the men.  "Really, the lot of you," she grumbled.  "Shut up."

"What?" All the men asked in confusion.

"You sound like a bunch of lovesick puppies!  You're men, for fuck's sake!  Start acting like it!" Brigid snapped.

Lugh shook his head with a sigh.  "You really are The Ice Queen," he commented.

Brigid narrowed her eyes at Lugh.  "Excuse me?"

"That's what people call you when you're not around.  The Ice Queen," Lugh said.  "And it's fecking true!"

Brigid looked slightly offended for a moment before giving Lugh a blank stare.  "They can call me whatever they please.  You can call me whatever you please.  I don't care."

"Yes ya do," Lugh grinned smugly.  "I can see it in yer eyes."

Brigid looked away from him.  "I have no idea what you mean."

"I think ya do give a damn about what I think of ya, Brigid.  That's why ya got so sheepish when ya told me about Loki."

"Loki?" Arthur and Mr. Pierce asked in confusion.

"Yes," Brigid said while looking at the two humans.  "He's a Norse god."

"And a mean little trickster," Lugh added glumly.  "He's the reason why I lost me currach."

Brigid snorted.  "No, that was definitely your doing," she giggled.

Lugh snarled and glared at Brigid.  "The Sons of Turenn murdering me father was not me doing."

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