Chapter 2 - Breathtaking

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Geralt was dead on his feet, reeked and was covered in kikimore blood. He stopped at the inn to have a bath ready for him in his room and then went to check on Roach for the night. Upon reaching the stables he saw a person silhouetted by the moon sitting on a bale of hay resting against the stables. His heightened senses picked up her scent first. She smelled like honey and like summer rain and something deliciously female. He slowed his pace, watching her.

"Hmm what is a lady like you doing out in the stalls at an hour like this?"

She snorted. "Lady? Hardly."

Upon closer inspection he saw she had he cloak tightly around her, her hands buried in the folds attempting to stay warm.

"Come on, you're not sleeping out here." His decision set.

She looked at him, her eyes a deep hue of purple. "Oh my dear Witcher, don't fret on my behalf I'm fine out here." She said airly. "Besides, I'm used to it." She added more quietly to herself, but he picked up on it.

""I just slayed a Kikimore, There are worse monsters lurking out here." He warned, and many of come in the form of man, he thought bitterly to himself.

"But what if I'm the slayer of witchers?" She retorted, her smirk humorless. He could tell she tried to retain her dignity for being found out in the cold night.

"I'll take my chances" he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.

She eyed him for a moment. "You're not getting up my skirt." She said defiantly, while standing..

"I'm too tired to try." He grumbled, turning on his heels without checking on his horse.

She hesitated a moment then followed, lured by the promise of a warm fire.

Geralt led the way to his room, Faye was putting her trust in this Witcher, she hadn't trusted anyone in so long. She was weary and exhausted, She couldn't remember the last time she had a decent sleep. She had a decent read on people and Geralt didn't seem to pose a threat. Ironic considering he was a hunter, a monster killer, referred to as a butcher. None of that bothered her, besides people were known to exaggerate, she trusted her gut.

Upon entering his sleeping quarters she was drawn to the crackling fire. She removed her cloak and stood by the fire, relishing in it's warmth.

She heard something heavy drop to the floor. She turned to see Geralt undressing.

Their eyes met and she looked at him with alarm.

"It's not what you think, if you haven't noticed I'm covered in blood." He said while untying his bracers

She relaxed instantly, scolding herself for her immediate fear. "Not to mention you smell dreadful." She added nonchalant.

He pursed his lips but said nothing.

Faye drifted to the bed, keen on keeping her eyes away from the Witcher as she heard the water splash about.

She removed the covers and laid down on her back staring at the ceiling. Her curiosity got the better of her, she twisted her head ever so slightly to take in the sight of the Witcher. Her eyes instantly became glued to him as he bathed and Faye felt her heart begin to beat frantically against her chest bone and felt a heat rising in her cheeks.

She had never seen a man like him before. His torso and arms were lined with thick muscles; his chest narrowed into a trim waist. He was beautiful. Faye never knew what breathtaking meant, but she knew now. Geralt was a fantasy she didn't know existed.

"Don't spy Faye, you're not good at it." He smiled knowingly, his eyes piercing as they found hers.

Faye swallowed hard, embarrassed at being caught ogling him, but she couldn't look away from his eyes, those gold, knowing eyes held her captive.

"How many times have you been alone with a man before?" He asked in amusement, leaning back, pausing in the task of washing himself, giving her a clearer view of his form.

"You're not just a man." she declared, her eyes dipping to look at his well defined chest, before locking back on his gold eyes. She wasn't entirely sure what she meant by that statement, but something about it exhilarated her.

Geralt snorted, closing his eyes briefly, before pinning her with his gaze.

"Please don't tell me I have a blushing maiden in my bed." a smug smile on Geralt's face. Her breath left her lungs. His smile was breathtaking, but his words soon registered. Her mood changed instantly.

"No, you've been saved that burden." She said tentatively, her eyes taking on a new color, dark and stormy. She looked away from him ashamed.

Geralt bit at the inside of his mouth, his grip on the tub tightening as a pulse of anger ran through him. There was entirely too much scum in this world.

"Faye, sleep, no harm will come to you here." He promised, through grit teeth.

She looked into his eyes relieved that he wasn't asking questions. Wasn't blaming her for the fate she's been dealt. She believed his vow, somehow she knew he was a protector not the devil men painted him to be. She nodded slowly.

"Thank you Geralt." She murmured. He couldn't understand what his acceptance meant to her.

He hmm'd in response.

She turned her back on him and took a deep calming breath. Something washed over her. She felt relaxed, for the first time in a long while she didn't feel on edge. She felt safe, she truly felt Geralt had no ill intent for her. Her eyes grew heavy and sleep claimed her quickly.

Geralt sat there in the tub and listened to her soft breaths. He felt the tension leave her body as a calmness washed over her. He latched onto that feeling greedily. He wasn't sure why he found this woman so compelling, sure she was beautiful, but it was more than that. She wasn't frightened of him, he couldn't remember ever being teased, nor a woman reacting to him so genuinely and innocently. He had no idea what he was getting himself into but he wasn't about to run away from it.

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