Crushes and Awkwardness

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        Nymphadora Tonks couldn't wait for her older cousin Sirius to visit. Her mother told her that he was supposed to come over for dinner along with 3 of his friends. Her mother always had Sirius and his friends come for Sirius's birthday. Why, Nymphadora didn't know but she thinks it has to do with how mean Auntie Walburga was to Sirius. 

        Though she was excited for Sirius to come, she was even more excited to see his friend Remus Lupin. When Nymphadora first met Sirius's friends she was confused as to why the tallest one had long angry scars running across his face. So, she asked. Her mother had told her that it was rude to ask people questions like that, but Remus had simply smiled and kneeled in front of her and told her that he fights a monster every month so that it never hurts anyone. Since then Nymphadora saw Remus Lupin as a superhero. When she said this, Sirius's friend with the glasses laughed. But he kinda seemed sad at the same time. She assumed that it was because he wanted to be a superhero too. 

        Her thoughts were interrupted with a soft knocking on her bedroom door. She bolted upi from her place on her bed and ran to open the door. It was her father.

        "Dora, Love, come downstairs. Sirius is here." Ted said waiting for her screams of happiness as per usual. But nothing came. He simply got an "Okay" from his usually louder than life daughter.

        Tonight was the night Nymphadora decided to tell Remus that they were going to get married. She didn't care that she was only 5 and that he was 18. She loved him. And whenever a princess loved a prince she would also marry him. And that was exactly what she planned on doing. Of course her parents didn't know about this little plan of hers. But they where very aware of her crush on the boy. Everyone was, it was quite obvious.

        She took her time coming down the stairs making sure as not to trip. She had to show Remus that she could act just like an adult. Once her and her father had gotten down stairs she turned the corner to the living room as calmly as she could. But as soon as she saw Sirius, Remus, and James siting there she couldn't hold back her excitement and ran to them. Jumping up and down she threw her arms around Sirius's legs.

        "Happy Birthday! I missed you so so so so much!" Her voice was high and loud and went perfectly with her bright pink hair.

        "Thanks, Squirt. I missed you too." Sirius laughed and lifted her off the ground swinging her around in his arms. Once he put her down she then jumped on top of James demanding him to give her the 2 chocolate frong he owed her from the last time she saw him. Once she had her chocolate she turned to Remus. He looked down at the small girl and smiled. He kneeled down so she could wrap her arms arounf his kneck and he picked her up. Laying her head down on his shoulder they all went to the table to have the dinner that Andromeda has prepared for them.

        Later that night, sitting in front of the fire, Nymphadora was sitting on Remus's lap while her and the three older boys played exploding snap.

        "Remus?" She whispered in his ear while Sirius and James were fighting over whose turn it was.

        "Yes, Dora?" This was it.

        "Will you marry me?" She had thought she had asked this quietly but as the words left her mouth the whole room went silent. James and Sirius stared at the girl, and she was sure Remus was as well but she couldn't bring herself to look at him. She had gotten it all wrong. He didn't care about her. She could feel him tense under her, and he stayed silent.

        "Well, would you look at that!" Sirius's loud voice interrupted the silence. "The kid has a crush on you, Moony!"

        Nymphadora could feel the tears pouring down her cheeks as she shot up and ran to her room. Jumping on her bed she tried to cease her tears as well as she could. A few minutes later there was a knock on her door.

        "Dora? It's me. May I come in?" Remus's soft voice made all of her work to stop her crying disappear as a whole new round of tears erupted from her eyes. Remus didn't wait for an answer as he opened the door and slowly approached the small child as if she was a frightened animal.

        "Why don't you like me?" She sobbed. Hearing this Remus quickly strode over to her and eloped her into his arms.

        "Dora, honey, I love you. You know that. It's're far too young to be getting married don't you think?" Remus had no idea had to approach this but he couldn't stand to watch the usually bright and happy child cry her eyes out over him.

        "What about when I'm older? Will you marry me then?" Nymphadora's tears suddenly stopped. Remus loved her! She could wait till she was older, then her and Remus could get married and live happily ever after just like the princesses and prices in her book.

        "Dora, if you still want to marry me when you're older, then of course." Of course Remus only said this because he was sure this was just a childhood crush that she would get over in a few days. A week at the most. Little did he know that he would be asked the same question from her years to come.

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