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That peaceful moment didn't last long though. After about 5 minutes his phone rang. He sighed and settled me down and answered the phone.

Some of you might ask, why didn't I run away then? I could have ran and taken a cab.

But I didn't cuz the I was still reeling in from a few moments ago. It was so weird.

You know how you just zone everything out and that moment feels so special and peaceful. You can hear everything. Or maybe it's like kissing the love of your life. Or hanging out with a your parents. Or reading a favorite chapter from your favorite book in a rainy day listening to music and drinking a hot beverage. A small moment that felt so peaceful, nice and memorable.

That's how I felt right now. Ever since I woke up from my coma in the hospital I haven't had a peaceful moment like that. I was always worrying about something. I was always restless.

Looking at him now I realised I felt so comfortable and safe. What's up with that. People tell me he is dangerous but I don't feel unsafe or that I am in danger when I am near him.

Like right now. I was running away from him but I had the nicest moment.

His forehead felt nice and warm on mine. The way he kept me in place made me feel safe.

"Alright little Rose." Damien got off the phone and gave me a pointed look. "We are leaving." As he announced he bent down and grabbed my legs as if I was some sort of sack of potatoes and settled me over his shoulders.

Hmm... you know that peaceful moment I was talking about. Yeah when he pushed me over his shoulders I realised it was over. I then realised he was carrying me like a sack of potatoes and the feminist in me was... oh hell no.

"Put me down you brute!!" I screamed. I started punching his back.

"Why should I? If I do you make my life harder and run away again" He stated bluntly.

"I won't run away just put me down!" I grumbled hitting his back again.

"I hope not sweetheart. I have important business to attent to back at home. Since you ran off we also missed dinner!" He said putting me down.

"Try running away" Mr cold eyes was back and he was threatening me.

I didn't feel scared but I didn't want to test him either. It's like I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt me but I also knew he would do something in away go get his point across.

I straightened myself out and gave him my best glare.

He gave me a pointed look and took my hand and started walking towards to main road.

I guess I am going to his place today. Its late anyways. I can go back home tomorrow.

Or that is what I told myself.

" I got my men to pack our food." Damien said as he walked. We easily reached the main road where light filled the streets and people walked away.

But what really got my eyes was the men in black suits standing near a luxury car. Damien didn't falter he just walked towards the car. One of his men already opened the door for him, but Damien stood near the door and put his hand on my back and lead me into the car.

"Your bike is parked over there. Thank you" Damien told one of his men and got in the car.

The first thing I noticed when I got in the vehicle was the aroma of food. Oh my god why did that smell so good. My stomach growled in hunger.

You can imagine how the sound echoed I'm the silent vehicle, with a angry Damien staring at me.

"I don't know how you survived on your own these years" He muttered under his breath.

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