Stroking myself, I let Camilla consume me. Her slanted eyes, bright and shiny, locked on mine, her fair skin, marked with one single beauty mark close to her jaw.


And God, those soft plump lips, surrounding me and stroking me up and down. Her gentle tongue running around the head or her cheeks hollowing on me.

My imagination runs wild while my hand speeds up slightly.

"Ah, fuck," I groan.

It's going to be a fucking torture to live in here with her.

Sure two other employers are living on the property, But Camilla has been the only one living in the main house for years. So, after dinner, we're alone in this place.

The problem is, after tonight, my desire and thoughts will be running wild.

The need to feel her, to explore her body, to make her moan and come, is excruciating. I want to listen to her moan my name over and over again, while her back arches, pressing those perfect t*ts onto my chest and she lets go.

My body shudders at the image and a tight pressure travels from the base of my spine to my balls, making me come.

It takes me a couple of minutes to get a hold of myself, control my irregular breathing and relax the tension from my muscles.

For the first time in my life, there's a woman out there making me go mad with desire and it doesn't sit well with me.

I've always liked to be in control of myself and my actions but she makes me want to throw it all away and get lost in her.

I need to get a grip.

I am Vincent Hawthorne, a fucking Duke, and there's no one in this world powerful enough to make me lose my mind.


After two hours of rolling around in the bed, I couldn't sleep. That's why I'm back at the office, going through anything that could keep me occupied until I feel tired.

There's not much more I can do outside the office hours because everything I had to do today, I've already taken care of but I can still reread a few documents to make sure everything's in order.

My aunt's vineyards - Dux Vinum - are now part of Hawthorne Corp.

It won't make much of a difference in the profit, but it's a family business that I intend on striving until it is the biggest wine company in the country.

My eyes start to get heavy. If I stay here much longer, sleep will win the battle and I'll fall asleep on this desk, so I gather the paperwork and put it aside. As my hand grazes a stack of envelopes, a couple of them fall to the ground.

Any other day, I'd leave them be but the handwriting on it calls for my attention.

To confirm the letter, I turn it around, and there it is. The wax seal confirms it.

This letter is from my aunt.

Picking it up, I lose no time breaking the seal and opening it.

Immediately, there's another envelope inside. This one is smaller and appears to have something on the inside. When I turn it around, I see Camilla's name in cursive, also in my aunt's handwriting.

I place it on my desk, with the thought in mind to give it to her later.

On the inside, there's still another paper, this one with my name.

Sitting back down on the desk, I open it and start reading.

"Dear Vincent,

If this letter has reached you, it means I have passed away my boy.

I know we haven't seen each other in a few years. Ever since your father passed away you've distanced yourself from everyone. It's ok and understandable, my dear.

As you know, I didn't have children of my own. It also means you are my official heir. The one to receive not only my property but everything that is under the Hawthorne name.

Even if you are only my nephew, you - and sweet Camilla, - were the closest I had to children. The best and happiest days were when the two of you would be running around the estate. It filled my heart to see you both happy and carefree.

I am still glad it's you because I am proud of the man you've become; of the man, your father taught you to be. It's quite obvious your eagerness to follow his steps and continue his legacy.

That makes you the perfect heir, not only to the title of Duke but also to the Crown, if it were to happen.

You are meant to do great things, I am sure of that. But I must warn you to be aware.

With big places come big responsibilities and with power, enemies are born. And sometimes, even without meaning to, the ones closest to us betray us. So, please watch your back.

Last but not least, I hope you were not mad about my request about keeping Camilla's job and place on the property.

She's the sweetest and most caring soul I've met in my life, a pure heart, and has no one else in this world. Her father died soon after her birth and her mother passed away when she was still a teenager.

Ever since I was all she had. Sure I was her boss, but she made sure to let me know I was her last family and she treated me as such.

I was never alone, never mistreated and always taken care of, to my last breath.

You probably don't care about these details, but we've grown attached. And this is all she's known. Even though this house is not hers, it is her home and I couldn't throw her to the wolves when she's protected here.

Hopefully, you'll find the house big enough for the both of you and who knows, rekindle that beautiful friendship you had in your childhood.

You were the cutest together, I remember so well, you'd do her bidding quite often and it was quite entertaining to watch. But more than that, now that you're in such a powerful place, I also think she'd be a good ally in this world of greed and façades.

Take care of her and I am sure she'll take care of you as much as she can. 

With love,

Elizabeth Hawthorne

👑 A u t h o r ' s N o t e 👑

How did you like this chapter? It is practically a filler but it will be important for the story in the future.

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