4 - Moving in

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Vincent Hawthorne

Hawthorne Manor house is the most imponent and the biggest and richest of Durham. The construction of the first residence of the family dates back to the 17th century but that building no longer exists.

At the moment there are two Hawthorne Manors, the oldest tone from the 18th century, where I used to live up until now and this one, from the late 19th century. This property was created to be a summer house but when Aunt Elizabeth was promised to marry Joseph Gotta, my grandfather used this and half of his wealth as a wedding dowry, allowing them to live comfortably.

The long hall of the entrance is slightly chaotic at the moment, with all the employees are running around carrying furniture, portraits, chandeliers and whatnot, up and down, east and west, hastily following my mom's dictatorial orders.

As I look around me, I take in all the small details decorating the hall. The long rectangular division by the entrance has its walls covered with this intrinsic vegetalist decorations, enhancing the neoclassical influence.

White is the main colour, contrasting with the pearly and golden details of the decorations. It's subtle but classic, letting the portraits of the family be the focus of the walls. The one closest to the doorway is one of my aunt Elizabeth and Joseph adorned with this beautiful gold frame.

Right next to them, it's my grandparents with my aunt and father while they were still ten and four years old. The line of family portraits continues up until the first Duke, where this beautiful U-shaped staircase starts, leading to the noble floor.

This property is even bigger than the one I grew up in, and now it's mine.

Since my aunt had no children, as they had planned, because they were second-degree cousins and had grown up together, hence no romantic feelings existed. I became the sole heir, in an attempt to reunite the wealth that has been divided.

Thus, turning our family, the richest and second most important in Great Britain.

The lineage of our family is old. The first Duke of Hawthorne received its title in the beginning 1600s, right after allegedly, saving the Kings life by being the author of the anonymous letter that the authorities received with the Gunpowder Plot's plans.

William Hawthorne was a Baron who lived comfortably in his humble family home but after saving the King's life he was graced with the hand of one of his illegitimate daughters and the title of Duke of Hawthorne.

They became the most famous nobility couple of the Court back then and throughout the years, the several marriages with other European noble houses and the British royal house themselves, my family became the most powerful in the Kingdom, right after the Royal Family.

Last century, that was cemented when my great grandfather, James Hawthorne, married the King's illegitimate sister, Mary. Making my grandfather, Henry Hawthorne, cousin to the late King George.

That makes me cousin in third or fourth degree to King Charles IV. And second in line, since he has no living siblings – because Joseph Gotta has passed away even before my dad did -, and has no children.

As if the burden of being Duke of Hawthorne wasn't enough... I still have a claim to the throne if Charles IV doesn't have kids soon.

"Took you long enough," my mom's snide remark brings me out of my reverie.

It's then that I notice Camilla's presence in front of us.

"Your Graces," she bows to us and my jaw clenches at the sight of her.

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