battle for control 2: chara/frisk vs Metacritic.

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Frisk POV.
I appear back into my body. I see chara catching her breath. Chara: "please tell me that you babe. Because right now your been quiet" I shook my head. She smiled. Chara: "you had me worry there. I thought I lost you" chara alive. I can feel my self wanting to hug her. But I dash at her to slash. She dodge it in time. Chara: "your eye color went back to purple. Look like there still someone you need to finish off" Metacritic. "I dont know how you defeat her. But you cant defeat me! I'll take over your body and make it mine!" I can feel my self dashing at chara trying to kill her. Chara dodging ever hit. Chara jump back. I need to figure out how to take back control of my body. Chara summon her knifes that damage me. I saw that my hp is purple. When she damage me the purple went down. I feel my self in control. I push spare. Chara: "hey you back. Have you figure out how to beat this freak?" I nodded. It looks like the only way to get control back and defeat Metacritic is for me to get damage. When I take back control I push spare. I dont know if it work but I guess well have to see. I can still control my soul so that good. She summon more knifes and send them at me. I move right into them. After she was done. I can see the purple slowly trying to take control. Too bad I'm not giving up. Chara: "I can feel it. Your determination! You must not give up! Everyone rooting for you!" I wont. We will defeat Metacritic once and for all. Than I can bring everyone back. Me and chara can be back together again. Summon sans bone attack and I jump into them. I was about to chose spare but I want to thin the ice between me and chara. I gave her a I'm interested in you look~ she was blushing chara: "frisk. you know that we are not alone?" She send more attacks at me. I ran into them. I keep flirting with chara. Chara: "frisk. When we get ride of this freak than we can flirt with each other when it just the two of us" she blushing more. I like how she blushed. Than Metacritic took over for a second and slash at chara. Chara: "that was a close one. Your alright frisk?" I nodded. That was a close one. I really need to focus. But this maybe our only time together if I lose. I want to make sure I spend the rest of it of my life with chara. In Life or death. I want chara to be there. She send more attacks at me. Again I run into them letting them damage me. I flirt with her again. Chara: "I guess that this maybe our last time to together so we better make it rememberable. After all your my mirror~" it made me blush. "Oh very cute. Enjoy it while it last" chars send more attacks at me. I let them damage me. I flirt with chara again. Chara: "I think you have a little bit of chocolate on your face. Why dont you come close and I'll lick it off of you~" I chuckled. "Yeah yeah. You love each other. Can I kill you both already" Metacritic sound mad. I chuckled. I think chara knows why. Chara: "sound like you are piss off the freak. Shall we continue~" I nodded. She send more attacks. I ran into them. I flirt with chara again. Chara: "I think you have a something on your lips. Why dont you come close and I'll kiss it off~" I chuckled more. Chara know how to make a girl blush. "God damn it! Once I take control I'm making sure I fucking  slaughter everyone again and again!!" It sound even more angry. Maybe one more would do. Chara send more attacks at me. Again I let them hit me. I flirt one more time with chara. Chara: "that outfit looks alittle hot on you. Why dont we take it off and see what underneath~" I blushed even more. "AHHHHHHH! THIS IS MY HELL!!!" I couldnt stop myself from laughing. She did chara. Chara: "alright I think that enough flirting with each other. Let win this frisk! Together!" I nodded. She send more of her attacks. I let them hit me. After her attack end I was about to push spare until Metacritic took over. She immediately dash at chara and slash her. She was able to dodge it. Chara: "you nearly got me there. But I'm not going to leave you alone. We getting everyone back! Together!" She send more attacks at me. I let them hit me. Than I spare her. "How cute you two are. Too bad that all of this is going to be for nothing!" Chara send more attacks at me. I made sure I ran into them. I can see my lv is going down. Right now it at 15. I push spare again. "The more you fight back. The more painful things I'm going to do with chara and your going to watch it! You hear me!!" It really mad. But that not going to stop me! Chara: "I'm not going to leave you frisk. I'll always be there for you!" She send more attacks at me. I let them hit me taking my lv down to 11. I push spare. "More lv you lose. The closer I get to taking over! You better remember that!!" It can try to scare me but I'm not giving up. I can feel everyone cheering me on. As I look at chara I can see there spirit right next to her. Chara: "we believe in you. Stay determined!" She send more attacks at me. Metacritic started dodging them. She than slash at chara. Chara dodge it. Chara: "you cant break us up that easy!" "You better not underestimate me!" I was able to take control. Chara send more attacks at me. I let me self get hit. Taking my lv down to 6. I chose spare. "This. This cant be! How am I losing. To a Bunch of humans!!" We are so close. It now or never. Metacritic took over. Started dodging chara next attacks. She dash at chara and slash her. Chara got hit leaving a slash on her cheek. I can feel my self scream her name. Chara: "you think I'll die just like that? Like I said! I'm not going down that easy!" She send more attacks as I try to take back control. She hit me allowing me to take control. I push spare. "I wont stop! I'm the one in control! I'll take everything that was taking from me back! You two cant stop me!!" Metacritic  took back control and charge at chara. Chara was ready. She ready her red knife and clash with Metacritic chainsaw. Metacritic may have power and strength and speed. But chara. She has determination and want her lover back. Chara was able to knock the chainsaw out of my hand. Than she send her attacks at me. My hp went down until it reach to lv 1. "N . th s. ca t.  b . H w. d d. I l se t . B th o y us." Than Metacritic disappeared. I took a deep breath. Chara: "is it over?" I shook my head. I ran up to chara to gave her a hug. Chara: "hold on there babe. I'm going to need a pick me up" she than grab a chocolate bar and unwrap it. She took a bit. Thay slash mark on her cheek heal up. Chara: "mmmm I love chocolate. Here have a bite" I went to gave it. Chara: "hold on" she broke a piece off and put it on her tongue. Chara: "you know what you need to do~" I blushed. I went close to chara and connected our lips. I slide my tongue in and took the piece of chocolate into my mouth. It melts into my mouth. It restores my hp is full. We were still kiss. You both miss the feel of each other lips and tongue. She wrap her arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around her neck. We keep kissing not wanting to stop. Chara than grab my ass. It send alittle bit of a surprise down my spine but I didn't mind. We pull apart breathing for air. We look at each other eyes. Chara: "I miss you~" I did too but I cant speak because of my throat. Chara: "I forgot. We are back at the time when you could speak yet" I nodded. I forgot how much of a mute I was when I first fell down here. I lead my head against chara chest. She rest her head on mine. Chara: "finally. This nightmare is over. I thought I lost you again. But it over right? That freak will never take you away from me again right?" I nodded. I hug chara tightly. I dont want to let go. We stay like that for god knows how long. Until chara let go. Chara: "I think we know what we need to do" I nodded. It time for our happy ending. Chara knows what to do. Chara: "promise that you would reset and bring everyone" I nodded. I promise. Than we kiss again. I than feel a knife stab into my back. I can feel tears coming out of my eyes. I'm still kissing chara as my eyes slowly closed. Chara pull us apart and lie me down on the ground gently. Chara: "see you on the other side. Babe" I than close my eyes. I open them and I'm back at the dark place again. The reset button appear. I push it than the whole area started disappearing. I can feel my self falling. I close my eyes waitting to hit the ground. I open them with light shine down on me. I'm back at the begin. My lv is level 1. Everyone is alive. I ran into boogie who explained what going on down here. Than papyrus comes out to save me from him. Than I follow papyrus until he told me to wait in the hallway. I walk all the way to his place sparing monsters aswell. I got to his place and went to sleep in my bedroom. I wake up ask papyrus to show me the way out. I follow him down stairs to the door and battle him. I spare him which ending the battle. He hug me before leaving and I walk thought the door. Ran into boogie. Explain how that wont work. He than disappeared and I went to the door leaving the ruins. I walk down the path all the way to the bridge. I waited for chara to tell me to turn around. I did and I notice red knifes around me. She look at me with a serious look. I gave her the biggest smile I can do. Than she pull me into a kiss. It was a quick one because asriel will be here soon. We part appear the knifes disappeared. Chara: "you had me worried there. I thought that freak was back" I smiled. I love how she cared about me. "Oh chara" I than got surprised. I can speak!? Chara: "remember how I used my determination to recover you voice? Well I thought why not do it right now instead of later. Now I can hear your cute voice now" that made me blush. But I'm happy to speak again but mostly to say her name. Chara: "well are you ready?" I nodded. She took my hand and walk down the bridge. I hide behind the lamp as I watch asriel appear. Than I came out surprising him. He left happy. I hold chara hand as we walk all the way to asriel. I'm going to free the underground again. I'm happy to have met chara. Im happy to have fallen in love with her. I now know that I'm not weak than I thought. That no matter what. I can do it if I just try. If I cant do it by myself I have those that I trust to be there for me. The world can throw anything at me. I just want it to know that I'm ready no matter what.

Liquid: there we go. The last chapter of the genocide run. Now there back to being happy.
Chara: "you made the finally battle as epic as you can. Now job"
Frisk: "I agree. I love happy endings"
Liquid: thank. But dont think this is the end of this book. I still have chapters in my head to do. I may do other storys but I'll still try and do more chapters until the day I stop. Take it away chara.
Chara: "once again. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy this chapter as well as we did. Me, frisk and the writer thank you for taking the time to read this. We hope to see you again in the next chapters. As all ways. Peace!
Liquid/frisk: "Peace!

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