A memory i'll never forget.

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Frisk POV.
This is real. It really real. I keep slapping my self because I think this is a dream but it real and it really happening right now. I look in the mirror getting my self ready to put on the wedding dress toriel guy for me. She had it custom made too. It a long golden dress reach all the way to my feet. It beautiful. While I was putting for the dress my friend from the orphanage came to help. There names are penny, daisy and trish. We call each other sisters. Thank to undyne she meet them at her concert. We had alot of catching up to do but they help with my wedding as well. Penny: "it looks beautiful on you!" Daisy: "you almost look like a real life princess! Trish: "come on girls there no need to embarrass her that much. She needs to be ready for her special someone" I introduce them to chara. They were surprised that i was into girls. They even told chara my secret crush. It was embarrassing but it was nice to see them again. I told then about bill and how he try to force me to love him. I know deep down that bill didn't mean to that. I smiled. "Would chara like this?" Daisy: "of course!! If she doesnt than she doesnt have good taste" I chuckled but maybe she right. maybe I'm over think it. My future chara is something that been on my mind for two year after the underground. Now me and chara are getting married. I cant ask for anything great to happen. Penny: "now let make sure that you are looking ok"
Chara POV.
Is this real? Is this real? I repeat those word in my mind over and over again. I just can't believe this is happening and it real. It real!! I been hitting my self to see if I been dreaming. So far it all real. I just cant believe it. I know I was the one who ask her but I didnt know she will immediately say yes to married me. Man am I over reacting? Or just freaking out because this is real!! Asriel was near me holding a water bottle. Asriel: "hey calm down sis. Here this will make you feel better" I took the water bottle and drink it until it emptied. "You should have brought me chocolate syrup!" Mom than hit me on the head. Toriel: "chara dreemurr! You know that today's is a special day. You shouldn't be drinking something that would stain your dress!" I forgot that mom brought this for me. I wanted a what a guy wears outfit. Not a female dress. Wearing this feels weird. I'm not used to wearing girl clothes. When I was in the underground the only clothing i weared was asriel clothes. Than mom made this green Jersey for me. I never wear any clothes until mom got me more. I look in the mirror. Mom did my hair even though it short she made sure there not a loose end. Honestly I never knew I look alright. I always thought that I look bad but frisk change that. I'm surprised of how much frisk change me. I never would have thought of falling in love with another human. I hated humans, I wanted to kill all of them. But meeting her change everything. Now our life is beginning to become special. Maybe I wonder if she want to make a kid? Wait can we make kids? I never put much thought into us making a kid or if we can make one. I'll ask dad if we can make one. I'm thinking too far right now. I need to focus. "Am I done now?" I ask mom. She made sure that everything look alright. Toriel: "yes you look beautiful chara. Now come. You must wait for frisk to be done" I was blushing. There going to be alot of people here. Monster from the underground. The mayor and frisk friends that she was able to find. As me and asriel and mom were walking the hallway than a ghost appear infront of me. It scared the crap out of me! I put my hand into my- wait this wedding dress doesnt have pockets. Well I put my hand up to see who appeared. It was Napstablook? Napstablook: "oh. Did I scared you? Sorry" it been two years the last time me and frisk seen him. he disappeared after frisk try to hug him. He still ok after these two years?. Toriel: "chara do you know him?" I forgot she hasn't met him before. "Yeah he a old friend" more like old enemy. I remember facing him because he wanted to kill asriel when he was a flower. I wonder why he here? "You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up" they nodded and left. "So why are you here?" I know he didnt mean to hurt us but I still am cautious to him. Napstablook: "frisk invited me here. I'm I not suppose to be here?" Damn it. Some how I knew frisk was why he here. "Sorry. I didn't mean to be mean to you. It just. You know?" Napstablook looks down. Napstablook: "I'm sorry. Maybe I should leave" I try to grab his hand. I forgot that I cant grab him because he a ghost. "Wait! Dont go. It may take sometime but we can let by gones be by gones. You know?" I always held onto the past but now I'm ready to make a difference. Napstablook: "really?" I nodded. It made him happy. Napstablook: "I'll let you go now. I'll be watching with everyone else" than he left. I smiled. Everything is going great. If this is a dream I dont know if I want to wake up. I will burn this very day onto my memory. I breath in and out than walk to the main hall. Mom was sitting down while asriel was standing next too sans where the boys go to. Undyne and alphy was stand where the girls stand. I went to the middle and waited for frisk. I was so nervous. I want to keep a calm face. Sans: "it alright kid. Just stay calm" undyne: "yeah you can so this!" Alphy: "it alright to be nervous. Just remember all the thing you both been though" alphy right. There nothing to be afraid of. Me and frisk has been though hell and we lived. When I'm with frisk there nothing that can stop me. Papyrus look like he's about to cry. It funny. Than the music started playing. Everyone got to there seats. Frisk girls friends ran to stand next to undyne and alphy. While frisk guys friends went next to asriel. Than the doors to the main hall open up and frisk came walking out holding a banquet of golden flowers. Dad was holding her arm as they walk down the way. He than let go and went behind the pedestal to the left of me. Frisk stop in front of me. I was speechless. Her Beauty was something I never thought would leave me lost for words. The golden dress was beautiful on her.
Frisk POV.
As I got infront of chara I notice how gorgeous she looks. She wearing a white dress which must be hard for her to get used too. But her face, her hair. I just cant find the words to say about them. Asgore: "are you both ready? If your are let's began" we nodd and look at each other's eyes. Sometime I get lost in her red eyes. It like the whole world stop moving and me and chara are the only ones moving. When I look I cant look away. Asgore: "this is my first time doing this but I'll do my best. So everyone we are gathered here to witness something special. Two human who has falling into the underground. One lived with monsters while the other one free us. You can say that this is fate but this was love at first sight. Both have endured hardship in there lives but that didnt stop them from find love. Now this will be a moment to remember for a very long time. Chara do you have the ring?" Chara nodded and grab out the ring. I held out my hand as she slide it on. The ring had a crystal from waterfall. It was beautiful even with it glow. We held hand. Asgore: "chara? Do you take frisk to be your loving wife?" Chara: "I do" asgore: "frisk do you take chara to be your lovely wife?" This is the moment. My new life with chara has began. All I need to say is. "I do!" She smiled. I smiled too. Asgore: "now without further ado. You may kiss the bride" we both move close and our lips connected. Than everyone started clapping. We pull apart and look at everyone. Toriel and papyrus were crying as well as taking pictures. Today is a day I'll there for get no matter what. After that everyone went to the food area. There was music, food and drinks. Chara grab a chocolate syrup and drink it. It funny how much she loves chocolate. It remind me of the time I look in asriel and her fridge and there was alot of chocolate. I grab one but when she invited me to eat with her she knew I took one. I always remember my time in the underground. Listen to papyrus, doing asriel puzzles, alphys invited me to her place, hangingout with toriel, working with asgore, my battle against undyne and stopping king sans. I'll never forget how chara figure out away for me to speak again. It took one kiss and than my battle against boogie or should I say Napstablook got me to scream chara name. These memories I'll remember forever. Chara wrap her arm around me. Chara: "sup beautiful~" I chuckled. "Hello to you~" than chara connected our lips together. It was a quick kiss. Chara: "I'll never forget this day" neither will I. It a day for me to remember. Toriel crane up to us hold her camera. Toriel: "smile!" Me and chara smiled. She took the picture and smiled. Toriel: "you both looks so cute!" It made us blush. She left and music started to play. Everyone look like they are grabbing the nears person and dancing with them. Chara stand up and held out her hand. Chara: "do you want to dance?" I nodded and told her hand. We went into the middle of the people and started doing the slow dance from those movies where at a wedding. I rest my head on her shoulder. Chara: "man this better not be a dream. If it is? I'm going to be piss" I chuckled. "This is not a dream. It real. Your here with me and I'm here with you. I know this is real" she move her hand into my hips. We danced until we stopped. Everyone was looking at us. We were the stars of the show. We stop and went to sit down. They brought over the wedding cake. It had me and chara at the took and everyone else at the bottom. I slice it and everyone got a slice. I notice Napstablook was here. Him and chara must have become friend because they are talking to each other. Daisy came up to me. Daisy: "you know bill? While he here now. He want to speak to you" I nodded. Chara was giving me a why look. "Bill didn't mean to do it" chara: "that still doesn't change what he was about to do to you" true. If I saw chara with someone I would be angry as well. Bill up to us. Bill: "hey frisk. Hello chara" chara gave him a angry look. "Hello bill. What are you doing here?" I forgot that he didnt get invited. Chara was telling everyone what he try to do. Bill: "I'm only here to ask if you can forgive me. I shouldn't have done that. You were with some else and i try to take you away from them" chara: "you go that right" chara please. Bill: "yes. I fix what I have done. All i ask is that your forgive me and accept this gift as a token of congratulations to the both of yous" I nodded and took the gift. Bill than got escorted out by undyne. I open the gift and it was a picture of the me and everyone at the orphanage. Chara: "it seems that was important to him. I say we keep it" I agree. I put the gift over where the other gift st and me and chara enjoy the rest of the day together.
*5 hours later*
Chara was driving us back home. All the gift was in a box. It was nighttime so it time we head to bed. Today was the most special day of my life. That right behind my first kiss with chara. We got home and chara grab the box out while I got the cake out of the back. I put it in the fridge and chara put the gift on the table. She than went into the showers while I was finishing off some stuff. I than had my turn in the shower and dry my self off. Chars was waitting for me in bed. I join her and we cuddle up with each other. "I cant stop think of today" chara: "me neither. I'm still not believing that this is a dream" I kiss her. "Do you believe now?" She smirked. Chara: "I dont know. Maybe more kiss will help" our lips than connected and we were making out on the bed. Our tongue lick it each other as she got on top of me. I move my hand though her hair as she move hers down my hips. We pull apart. "Your getting good~" I flirted with her. Chara: "I know" we than stare at each others eyes. Chara: "I love you frisk. With all my heart" i smiled. "I love you too chara. With all my soul" she lie back down and i cuddle onto too her chest. We close our eyes as sleep quickly took over us. We made sure to have good dreams.
"Than they live happy ever after. The end. How boring. Where the action, where the sadness. I know every story and happy ending are just boring" the dark figure appear again. "Please just leave us alone. I'm happy now. What wrong with that?" I asked. "What wrong with it. I'll tell you what wrong. It happy. There no action. There no murders. There no sadness. Every story need these things or the audience will get bored" I dont care. This is my life. "I dont care what you think. This is my life and i decide where I take my story down" I stand my ground. "I'm sorry actor but who do you think is truly in control of this story?" The dark figure arm went forwards and my soul appear. It grab it. I try to make it let go but my strength was getting drained. "I'm the director. your the actor. What the director does and say goes. You never had a choice" than everything fade to black. I than wake up and look around me. I was in a room. I see another girl in front of me. "Now it time to rewrite the story" I summon a button that said reset on it. I push it and everything started disappearing. It was dark and I can feel my self falling. "I dont think you know my name. Hi I'm Metacritic. I'm your director. Follow everything I say and this script will be a master piece. We need a title for this script. Hm. How about. The human that Slayed all the monsters of the underground"

Here i go. Done. Please I know you all want me to continue with the love not LOVE but I assure you everything will be alright. Please dont stop reading this. I had this plan for awhile. Once again thank for reading. Peace!

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