The best date ever. thank you note at the end.

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Frisk POV.
*yawn* I wake up from my sleep. I stretch my arms and look at the time. It 9:30am. Weird I usually sleep until a 11:00am. I must not be tired. I got up and I notice I am in my work room. I remember yesterday i did a speech at the Square. Monster and human were there even the D.T.A.M. they were shouting and throwing stuff at me. But I held my ground. The speech was about why do we treat monsters different. The monster are different because they have magic and are big and have sharp claws and fur. The human have no magic. Some are not big. They dont have claws. But what make us the same is that we all are chasing something. Humans are chasing there dreams, desires Monster they are chasing the same thing. Why must we treat the monster different just because of there looks, there history. Deep down inside of us is that we are all the same. Humans have souls. Monsters have souls. So why must we human treat them with violence when they are not fighting back. All it take is just a conversation and than you know the true. After that some of the D.T.A.M members went and talk with the monsters. They also apologize for shouting and throwing stuff. After that I got giving papers from the mayor to sort out. I guess I fell asleep doing finish them. I open my work room door and went to the bathroom in my room. I undressed my self and went inside. What I didn't know she that chara was already in there. Chara: "morning babe~" I jump from her voice and back up. "Chara! I'm sorry. I though no one was in here. My bad" as I blush. She smiled. Chara: "what wrong with two lovers going into the bathroom together. I dont see problem~" chara you pervert. If I didnt love you I would slap you. "Can you make space than?" She than move and give me space to wash my self. The shower was already warm so that good. I turn my back from chara as she just stare at me. I can feel her glaze looking all over my body. Chara: "nobody saw the Mark's right?" I forgot about the bite marks from when me and chara were. Making love. Chara loved to leave bite Mark's to show that I'm hers. I move back my hair as I let the water wash over me. Than i can feel chara arms around me. Chara: "man i cant stop looking at how beautiful your body looks" chara knew how to make me blush. Than she started kissing my neck. The feeling of her lips always send a shiver down my back. I try not to show that I like it but chara knows me to well. Chara: "mmm you taste good. I want more!" Than she bite me. She always bites deep into my skin. It hurts but for some reason I like it. Chara: "mmm I'm so glad your mine" I cant stop my self from smiling. Than I turn around and kiss her. She been eating chocolate again. I can taste it on her lips and tongue. I pull away. "Can I please clean my self" she moves her hand down my side. Chara: "only if I can help you~" I nodded and we started making out in the shower. She lift me up and slam me against the wall. We seeping the kiss as much as we can. I wrap my arms around her neck as she kiss and lick my neck. The feeling is something I never thought I would enjoy it. I never thought I would love someone. Our lips connected again. I love her so much I want us to be together until we die. We pull apart to breath for air. Chara: "man I'm a good kisser or what?" I smiled and she put me down. After finishing out shower we went down stairs and I was getting breakfast ready. Chara: "hey what are you doing today?" I started thinking. I dont think i have anything to do. I check my phone and it look like I'm free. "I'm free today" than chara got off the couch and walk up to me. Chara: "than why dont we turn this day into just me and you day?" That sound good. I dont think we had a day to our self's ever since I started working. "Sure. I would love too!" She smiled. Chara: "cool. After we do something we can go on a date!" A date? I dont think we ever went on one. "Ok. So where do we started" she than grab out a list. Chara: "I have places we can go too. How about the clothes store. We can buy a outfit for our date" that a good idea. I think the only outfit I have were my purple and pink sweater and my work clothes. That is a black outfit with Jean's on. Chara like me wearing Jean's. She such a pervert. "Got it. let's eat our breakfast than we will go to clothes store" I cant wait that I quickly eat my food and clean my plate. Chara finish her and I clean her plate for her. Than we got into the car and chara drive us to the clothes store. Chara park the car and I ran into the clothes store. There were alot of different clothes. Chara catch up and we started looking around. Chara was down the shirt and pants area while I was at the dress area. There was alot of cute looking dresses. There was one with pink flowers on it. Blue flowers and red flowers as well. There was alot of flowers dress. I than saw a golden flower dress. I grab it. I than grab a red shirt and black pants. I than grab a Jersey that look like chara Jersey but blue. I thsn went into the changing room to try them on. After sometime I walk out happy with my choice than I hear someone calling out for me. ???: "uh. Excuse me. Is your name frisk by any chance?" I turn around. "Yes. Who are you?" Is it someone from yesterday? Bill: "I knew it was you! You may not remember me but I'm bill from the orphanage that you came from?" Wait bill! "Is that really you!? It been so long!" It has. The last time I saw him was when I was getting adopted. "How have you been? Do you have a new family?" He really tall. I think he was 12 when I last seen him. Now he my high. Bill: "yup. I was adopted. Now I been going to school to get a degree in technology" I remember he always wanted to build computers and other devices. "It so good to see you again. You have grown alot" he blushed. Bill: "thanks. I been too long" than I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look behind me and saw chara. Chara: "hey there frisk. Who are you talking too?" She sound alittle angry. I wonder why? "Hey chara. This is bill. He was one of the kids at the orphanage I grew up at" she than look at him. Did her eyes just glow for a second there? Chara: "anyway it nice to meet you bill. Are these the clothes you want to get?" Oh right I forgot I was holding them. Chara: "here. I'll buy them for you. You can just pay me back later~" did she just flirt with me? I gave her the clothes I try on and she left us. Than bill grab my hand. Bill: "frisk there been something I wanted to tell you for a very long time" I wonder what that is. "What is it?" Than he look me in the eyes. Bill: "I had feeling for you. For a very long time. I didnt know how to say it but I want you to know. That I love you!" What!? Did he just say he loves me!! I'm speechless. I dont know what to say. He waitting for me to answer him. I have to tell him the true. "Sorry but can we just be friends?" He look at me sad. Bill: "your joking right? You got to be!" Than he grab my shoulders. Bill: "please tell me your joking. You love me back right? Right!!" Everyone is looking at us. I try to pull his hand off my shoulders but he held on very tight. Bill: "maybe if we kiss you love me right! Right!!" He try to kiss me as I try to push him away. He was strong I couldn't gave him back. He so close. Than a hand appear on his face and push him into the wall. I look to my right and see chara. "Chara!" I hug her as she hug me back. Chara: "sorry it took me awhile babe. The machine was malfunctioning so had to wait for to get fix" bill got up but fell on to the ground. Bill: "did she just call you babe?" I nodded. "Me and chara are together" he face went sad. I can see tears appearing in his eyes. Bill: "no. No you are mine. Not anyone's but mine. I love you for so long. I want us to be together. This cant be true!!" How sad. I only thought of him as a brother. I never thought it would turn out he loves me. Chara grab my hand. Chara: "come on. I got out clothes. Let get out of here" I nodded and we left the building. I can hear him crying. It hurts to hear. The drive back was really quiet. I cant stop thinking of the other in the orphanage. What if one of them had feels for me and I had to give them the bad news? I don't know what to do. Chara pull over and stop the car. Chara: "frisk if there something on your mind. Tell me." I figure she knew. "I was think of the others from the orphanage. What if I meet one of them and the same thing happen. I dont know what to do" chara than sigh. Chara: "frisk since when did you over think things?" When did I over think things? She right. When did that happen? "I dont know. Maybe it happen after we left the underground two years ago." Chara: "yup I remembered. You were always calm. You always had a plan. You never had thing on your mind umtil now" she right. I had a goal when I was in the underground. What is my goal now. Chara: "your goal is to live your life" how does she know what im thinking!? Chara: "you wanted to live it to the fullest. You didnt care what was throwing at you. All you wanted is for all the humans and monsters to live happy. Yeah you may some things here and there but no matter what you.wpuld never let anyone stop you. Not even me" she right. She always know things about me. I want everyone to be happy and no matter what the D.T.A.M say I'll always say what I want people to hear. "Thank you chara. Without you I would have giving up" she smiled. Chara: "I'm always there to lift you back up when your down. Now we have others place to go to. Let just drop these clothes home" I nodded and she drove us back home. For the whole day me and chara went to places. We went to the beach. I was wearing my swimsuit. Chara was wear a swimsuit suit but it cover her whole skin. She must not want the sun touching her skin. We had fun we build sand castles. I build a statue of sans while build a chara build a statue of me but with bigger breast. I blush and she laugh at me. Next we went to the movies. Chara pick a horror movie because she like them. But me? I'm not a big fan of horror movies. As we were watching it I was holding on to chara Jersey. She wrap her arms around me to show that she will protect me from anyone. Than went and lunch at muffet bakery. It very popular because of her spider flavour donuts. Than we went for a walk into the park. We ran into asriel, undyne, toriel and Sans and papyrus. Than we return home and watch tv. The time is 4:10pm. "When should we begin our dat" I ask chara. Chara: "dont worry I book a table for us at grillby. That where I'm taking you for our date" it been a long time since I last went to grillby. I hear chara been working there. I got up and stairs and put on my golden flower dress. I made sure my hair is right. I put on high heels to match my outfit. Than I look into the mirror. I dont put much make up on because I already look ok. I walk out of me and chara room and walk down stairs. Chara is wear a black and white out fit that boys wear for dates. She really like to wear boys clothes. She turn around and look at me. She cant take her eyes off me. "How do I look?" I hope she likes this. Chara: "you look beautiful" I blush. We than went into the car and she drive us all the way to grillby. As we got there our tables was at a good spot. We had the view the night sky. The stars look beautiful. We did our orders and waited for them to be done. I got a steak with fries while chara steak with hog dogs. We talk and laughed. This day cant get any better. Chara: "frisk I want to tell you something" I turn my attention to chara. Than she pull out a little box. Chara: "I remember the first time I laid eyes on you. It was love at first sight. I was really worried that you didn't feel the same. Even though I try to kill you. You feeling the same about me was not what I expected. You change me. You made me who I am. Now I want to be in your life forever. I dont want to stop loving you" where is chara going with this. Chara than open the box revealing a ring. Chara: "frisk will you marry me!" I pur my hand on my mouth. Is this happening. Did she just as me to marry her! "Yes. Yes I will marry you!!" I than hear everyone cheer for us. I got out of my seat and kiss her. She kiss back. She slide the ring on my finger. We were both happy. We enjoy our time at grillby and we went back home. We than started planning our wedding day and making sure everyone was there. Than we fell asleep on the couch. "I love you chara" chara: "I love you too frisk" than I close my eyes to enjoy my sleep.
"Wow what a twist. Too bad it all going to change" "who are you? What do you want!" Than a dark figure appear. "I just want to know when my end of the deal will happen. After all you accepted it" "what deal? Who are you?" Than it smiled. "You would like to know. Dont you? Ok. My name is..." than a flash of light happen and it woke me up. I look around where I am. I'm sleeping on the couch with chara. What deal did I agree to too? What were they  about to say? So many thoughts were going in my head. I wrap my arms around chara. I cant let my mind play with me. I'm with chara and nothing going to change that. I can feel sleep hitting me quick. I close my eyes and fell back to sleep again.

There we go. I want to thank everyone once again for reading this but the people I want to gave thank to most are these people.
First is malachib123. You were the first one to read my stuff. I know you may not see this until you have time to read this but I thank you.
Next is Rabidpanda6. You were the first one to comment and favorite this book. When I first started this I thought no one was going to read this but you did and you keep commenting on it. I cant thank you enough for reading this and commenting.
Next is littleundertalelover. You were the second to comment and favorite my work. Even though I only see you comments three time. I still want to thank you for taking the time to read this.
Last but not least Angggggsbbs. I woke up one day and saw you favorite all my chapters. Than you commented. I want to thank you for taking the time to favorite my work and commenting.
Like I said thank you. I'm now up to 400 readers now. I'm going to be surprised if this get to 1000 or 2000 readers. I really got to know where you all come from. Anyway thank for taking the time to read this and I hope to see you all in my next chapter. Peace!

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