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Smut below.

Shawn found his lips preoccupied and his arms full of this beautiful girl as he carried her down the hallway of The London. He tried to ignore the looks of a few tourists who were loitering in the lobby and instead focused on the girl in his arms who was driving him crazy.

He couldn't remember the last time he had a one-night stand – probably when he was still at UCLA and Jason had been having an impact on his manwhoreish ways – but somehow he knew he'd be seeing Camila again. "What room are you?" He mumbled against her lips as her legs tightened around his waist.

"305," She replied, her mouth separating from his for as little time as possible until they reached her hall and he pushed her up against the door to her room and she knew she'd have to fumble around for the key. "Shawn," She gasped, one hand tugging on his hair as his lips descended down her neck while the other fumbled with the zipper on her bag. She finally located the piece of plastic and handed it to Shawn, letting him pull away from her to shove it in the slot before guiding them both into the room and heading straight for one of the double beds.

"I want you," Shawn whispered, pausing to take in the image before him; Camila lying on the bed with her hair splayed and framing her face, her lips puckered and swollen begging him to kiss her and her legs teasing him to no end as the bottom of her dress rode higher and higher.

She pushed a finger against his lips as he hovered over her and closed her eyes, "I'm taking a moment," She said, opening one eye to see him looking at her inquisitively. "I'm in LA, about to sleep with some alleged actor actor... I'm taking a moment."

He attacked her sides with his hands and she shrieked and laughed, trying to move away from him but he forced her to stay still, his nose coming to rub against hers as his breath ghosted over her lips, "Alleged?"

She nodded up at him and bit her lip, her eyes following her hands as they toyed with the neck of his t-shirt. "I want you to know," She began, deadly serious, "You shouldn't have to lie about being an actor to get girls," She couldn't help but start to smile as her eyes met his as he shook his head in mock disbelief, "You're hot enough to pull if you really TR-Y!" She shrieked the last word as he attacked her neck with his lips, biting and nipping and sucking as he tried to leave a mark. He wanted everyone to know this beautiful, hilarious girl lying beneath him had been had by him.

His mouth followed a path up to her ear, pressing sporadic kisses as he then made his way down her jawline and then up to her pouting lips. She moaned as he kissed her deeply, both pairs of hands roaming as they began to remove articles of clothing. First came her white heels, shed from her feet. Then came his t-shirt, their lips separating as she dragged it over his head to allow her fingers to ghost over his tight abdomen. As she reached for his belt buckle, his fingers found the zip for her dress and began to slowly tug it down while he encouraged her to keep kissing him for all she was worth.

He reluctantly pulled away from her to tug her dress down, her body left there, clad in only black lacey panties. "Fuck," He muttered, using the moment to rid himself of his jeans, but remembering to pull a condom out of his wallet. She watched as he placed it on the table next to her head before covering her body with his again as his hands began to light a fire over her exposed skin. His fingers skimmed down her waist as his lips found hers again, dancing over her hips and running to her inner thigh before inching up to find her already wet for him. "You're soaked," He murmured as he pushed her panties to the side and toyed with her outer lips.

"I want you," She repeated the words he said to her earlier, pushing up on her elbows to tenderly kiss him as he continued to let his fingers run up and down her pussy, occasionally circling her clit as she got wetter and wetter.

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