Nicole beckoned Wynonna to join her on the balcony. "I need to borrow your craft."

"Why? Nope. Don't need to know. Can I come with? I'm bored out of my enormous brain here. And, a lack of food isn't helping."

"I need to check out a hunch. Trouble is, I don't think Waverly will let me out of her sight again. I might have to take her with me. Or, get you to distract."

"In that case. I'm definitely coming with. I'm not staying here with angry Waverly."

"Fine. But, I fly the craft."

"You're not flying anywhere," Waverly scolded, joining them on the balcony, wondering what the pair were discussing in secret. "I'll fly. I'm the best pilot."

"Of course you are," Nicole replied, attempting a smile. "I just think it would be good if you stayed here."

"Is that so? You just think you can tell me what's good for me..."

"No. I mean...What I'm trying to say is this could get very messy."

"Stop saying that. You know what it does to me."

Nicole purred the word. "Messy."

"OK. OK. Will you two cut it out," Wynonna interrupted. "It's enough being hungry, without this level of sexual tension on an empty stomach."

Nicole's aunt was cutting up more fruit as they returned to the lounge. "Where are you three off to?"

"I need to find who is behind all this," Nicole answered.

"Nicole, sit. You have done enough. If it weren't for you I would have already given the order to abandon our home. Let Legion do its job."

"Will Legion though? You and I both know they may no longer be on our side."

Waverly's father had listened to the conversation in silence. If there was to be any fighting he wanted in. "I will go too. It will be an honour to fight alongside my daughters and with you Commander Haught."

Waverly rushed to hug him, tears in her eyes. Wynonna nodded, intensely proud of her warrior father. Nicole smiled. It was the first time in ages anyone had called her Commander Haught.

The four made their way to Wynonna's craft. Most of the planet was operating on a reduced power system, sufficient until the last person turned out the lights. It meant they could still use the small Skypop in the city's main exit shaft to reach the surface. The door to the craft was frozen solid. Nicole placed her hand along its rim, heating it, melting the ice. She winked at Waverly, who was shivering by her side, earning another eye roll, recognising she would have to temper her powers if she were to remain in Waverly's good books. Once inside, the cabin heated, instruments checked, they made preparations to leave Gideon.

Nicole's aunt had mentioned Lunar 5. A newly constructed military base on one of Gideon's moons. Near enough to the planet, with just the right conditions for rogue ships to go undetected. Waverly set a course, knowing they were headed towards those who were arrogant enough to believe they could take a whole planet.

They went in cloaked, their craft landing a short distance from the base. Monitors picked up a very large ship docked nearby. Too large to be a Legion ship, it had to be Bulshar's.

They set off on foot, swords and guns at the ready. Waverly had her mother's sword, vowing to have a new one made when all this was over. They neared the ship, Waverly's eyes scanning it, an uneasy feeling in her stomach. It looked familiar. Too familiar.

The sickening realisation.

It was the prison ship on which she had been held captive. Her legs stopped working, her heart rate through the roof. She never expected to come face to face with the prison that so nearly took her life. She couldn't go on. Nicole turned, sensing something was wrong, seeing the look on Waverly's face.

The Space Between Us (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now