"Nicole, will you walk with me." Aunt Gus said.

"Am I to come too?" Waverly asked.

"No, my child. This is for Nicole."

Nicole looked at Waverly, wondering what Aunt Gus wanted with her. She followed her out of the house, walking some distance away from Waverly's family still huddled round the fire pit, far enough for their conversation to be private. The dying flames from the fire their only light. Cool air brushed against Nicole's face making her shiver.

"Sit. I have something to tell you."

Nicole did as she was told, watching Aunt Gus pace back and forth.

"You are Gideon, yes?"


"Did your parents ever mention your birth?"

"No. Why?"

"There is something about your energy. Not Gideon."

"Not sure I follow. How can it not be Gideon?"

"You are a Geminus."

"No. I'm Gideon. My parents are Gideon."

"My child, have you ever felt you didn't fit in?"

Nicole considered the question. Too many times to be a coincidence. Going against her family's intentions, struggling to be accepted by other military cadets. Uneasy in the world. "Thought it was because I was destined to be an Elder."

"You are. And, you will make a great leader. But, you are different. Something more. A powerful energy attached itself to you as your life was being created."

Nicole stood unwilling to accept her new status. "I'm going back to the house."

"Wait. You need to understand. It could save your life."

"Stop with this nonsense."

Aunt Gus approached, grabbing Nicole's arm. "You need to hear this. For you and Waverly."

"I'll listen for Waverly. But, no crazy shit. Give it to me straight."

Nicole sat once more, sulking. Her defence when she could no longer control what was happening.

"Have you ever wondered why Waverly was attracted to you?"

"Many times."

"I believe she sensed you were unlike others."

"Why didn't Wynonna say anything? She would have sensed it too. Waverly's parents? Every Andherei I've met."

"They may well have sensed, only Angel Eyes can see what is with you. Waverly would not have seen until she transitioned. But, she would have felt something different in your energy. Drawing her to you. Inexplicable."

"What? What do you see?"

"The energy around you is old. Older than ours. Far older than Gideon. I'm surprised Waverly hasn't said anything."

"She may have been busy."

"We heard."

"Why would my parents not have told me? I know my mother wasn't the most talkative on these matters, but she would have said if something had happened."

"She may not have known. Remember only Angel Eyes can see."

Nicole shook her head. "I'm so confused. I just want a normal life, in a normal household, with normal soup. That's not too much to ask for."

"Don't be afraid. What you have is extremely powerful."

They returned to the kitchen. Waverly watched as they entered, seeing the look on Nicole's face.

"What is it? What's happened?"

"My child, look at Nicole. Tell me what you see."

"I see her energy. Pale pink, with shimmers of mine. So pretty. Wait, there's another energy. Why have I never seen this?"

"Describe that energy."

"Gold. No, it's changing. Turquoise. It's hard to pinpoint."

"Relax. Don't think of a description, or a colour. Look again."

Waverly gasped. "It's...it's. How? I have no words."

Aunt Gus nodded. "No words. She's Geminus. Another energy twinned with hers."

"Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on?"

"Nicole. Your energy."

"Yes. I know my energy. Everyone keeps saying my energy. What? Seriously, what?"

"Wow. It's listening. It can hear me."

Aunt Gus smiled. "It's a living entity. Separate. Waiting."

"You're telling me I have another lifeform inside me."

"Around you. Not inside you. It lives with you, not in you. So majestic."

Aunt Gus bowed. "Welcome. I honour your presence."

"OK, OK. Joke's over. You're doing this to make me believe I've gone mad from pulsing. Very funny. I see through your little game. Waverly tell Aunt Gus to stop with the teasing."

"Nicole, this isn't a joke. Have you ever felt someone was there with you?"

She had. Not hostile. Comforting. Another child to play with in a large, lonely apartment. Her imaginary friend. The one she conversed with when very young, her mother asking who she was talking to in her bedroom. Only she could hear its responses. As she got older, she ignored the whispers. A childish game, one she no longer wanted to play. Adults don't have such friends, she scolded herself, the voice silent by the time she reached her fifteenth birthday.

"It's not true. There's got to be a mistake."

"No mistake," Aunt Gus replied. "A wonderful gift. You are blessed indeed. The entity wants to speak with you, if you will allow it."

Nicole sat, ashen faced, unable to grasp what she was being told. She would rather have gone mad than face the prospect of having someone, something attached to her body like a limpet, or a parasite.

"How? How do I talk to this thing?"

"Close your eyes. Welcome your old friend back into your life. It's been waiting for you for many years."

Nicole cleared her mind, listening for that voice from her childhood. "It's no use. I'm too freaked out."

"Calm, my child," Aunt Gus counselled. "Do not force this."

Nicole shook her head. "This is so fucked up. OK. Here goes."

She imagined being back in her bedroom, laughing with her fantasy friend, hearing the song it had taught her. She could hear the tune once more. Her go to tune whenever she was sad, or lonely. The entity was singing to her. She smiled. The voice older, still her friend. Her long lost friend.

"Is that you?" A pause. "I'm sorry, I was just a child. I understand. I missed you too. Of course, of course I remember. I know, she's amazing."

Nicole opened her eyes. "OK, so it says it's in love with Waverly."

Waverly laughed. "That's only natural. Oh no, really wish I hadn't just had that thought."

"What thought?" Nicole asked.


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