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Min ho went to the meeting.The meeting was for quite a long time.After the meeting,the clients talked with him.Min ho excused himself as Shin hye called him.
Shin hye:How was your meeting?
Min ho chuckled at it ,says:Fine.
Shin hye :Will you come to hotel early?
Min ho:I can try.But why?
Shin hye:You will understand after coming.Come soon.
Min ho was about to say something but she hanged out the call.Min ho thinks himself:
I really like this childish attitude of her.She seems very cute .But what she is planning now?She is really surprising.

Suddenly someone says:
Fire!Fire!Fire caught in our office!Run for your life!

Everyone becomes afraid hearing it.They started to run from there.Min ho helped the old men to get out first.He helped many people get out from there.But problem arises when he got captured in a room.The fire was spreading faster and faster.
Min ho remembers the memory of his mother's body burning.He gets afraid.His head was spinning.As a result,he became unconscious.The police force came and set boarders so that people can't get inside the building.They are waiting for the fire brigade.But because of being ruined in middle road it's taking much time.

On the other hand,Shin hye was busy in preparing the room.She was very happy.She feels butterflies in her stomach whenever she thinks about Min ho.Suddenly she turned the tv on.Seeing the news of the Ocean Paradise Building getting caught in fire,she becomes shocked.She remembers that Min ho was saying the meeting will be held in Ocean Paradise Building in 49 number room.She becomes afraid for Min ho.She doesn't want to lose him.She quickly left the hotel and within 15 minutes she reached to the building.The fire was spreading faster.Shin hye tries to enter the building but the police force didn't let her go in.She begged them saying that her dear one may be struck in that building.One of the police says:He might be dead in that building .
Shin hye raises her voice:How could say anything you want without seeing inside!Let me go in!
Two lady police take her in a corner from there.Shin hye was tensed about Min ho very much.Her heart is beating faster .Thinking anything bad happened with Min ho makes her feel shiver.She doesn't want to lose the person she gave her heart .She wants to protect him.She suddenly remembered that she once came to this building for her competition.She remembers that there is a back door with which she can go inside.Very few people know about this.As planned she went there.She distracted The police officers cunningly.The police wasn't there.She successfully entered the
inside of the building.The fire was spreaded very badly and the smile is very heavy.It was almost impossible to breath.Shin hye without any delay started looking for Min ho .She looked for each room She can't find her.Her heart was beating faster.She was tensed for him.She was crazily looking for him.Suddenly she saw a man lying on the floor wearing a black coat .She recognized the coat .It was Min ho's coat.She becomes glad to see him.She went to the room wrapping a bed sheet around her so that she can't be affected by fire.She after much suffering entered the room.She found Min ho lying there unconsciously.She checks his breathing and heartbeat.She was very happy as he was alive.She wrapped the bed sheet around him.And took him out of the room.She took him to downstairs safely.She was still worried as he was unconscious.She thought:I think spilling water over his face can make him awake.She quickly went to the upstairs as she saw a water jar there.She also burned her hand a little bit .However inhaling so much smoke made her feel dizzy.She after much struggling came to unconscious Min ho.She spilled the full water on his face.He after sometime awakes from his unconscious state.His head was aching much.He got up from his lying position and found himself in a safe place of the building where fire was less.He becomes more shocked seeing Shin hye there.He is shocked to see her in such miserable state.She was sweating,her hand was little burnt,her hair was in mess.Min ho grabbed her arms saying:What are you doing here?
Shin hye was very glad to see him regaining his conscious.She touched his face with her trembling hand.But she couldn't.As inhaling much smoke,she became unconscious.Min ho became scared to see her like this.He carried her in  bridal style.He quickly took her to outside by crossing the behind door.He came outside carrying her and asks help from the officers.One of the officer says:Aren't you Lee Min ho?
The crowd became much bigger seeing Min ho.Min ho becomes angry and shouts:
Just shut up you all!Can't you see a person is unconscious?Call the ambulance now!Now means now!
A male officer says:She was the girl who was trying to go inside the building.I think she went inside by creating distraction that time.I think she was trying to save you.

Min ho becomes surprised hearing it .He can't believe that she risked her own life to save him.The ambulance came as well as the fire brigade.The media was trying to ask Min ho question but he ignored them all and took her to the ambulance.He sat beside her.He hold her hand and says crying:
You silly girl!Why did you just risk your life?You scared me to death.Please be save.I can't live without you.Please be okay.
His heart sanked in pain seeing her in this state.He can't bear her pain.He was crying like hell.
After reaching the hospital,the doctors treated Shin hye.Min ho was all the time there.After some minutes,the doctor says that she is out of danger.Min ho becomes glad hearing this.He thanks the doctor for saving her.The doctor asked:Mr.Lee ,who is this girl? She saved your life risking her own life.
Min ho:She is my life,doctor.My lover,my oxygen.
Doctor :So you are going to get married with each other?
Min ho:We are already secretly married.
Min ho:shhh...This is secret.We will do our marriage in public soon.We are here to be comfortable with each other.Keep it as secret,okay?
The doctor smiled at him.All on a sudden,Shin hye started to wake up.Seeing it,Min ho ran to her and hugged her tightly .He says in relivation:You silly girl!Don't you have brains?Who dares to go inside such danger?Could you think what will happen to me if something serious happened with you?!
Shin hye:If something happened with you,I couldn't forgive myself.
Shin hye broke the hug and requests politely tothe doctor to give them some time for their private conversation.The doctor gladly agreed to her and left the spot closing the door.

Min ho grabbed her burned hand and worryingly says:
Your hand burnt for going inside there.Why did you go there,Shin hye?It was a heavy risk.

Shin hye touched his face and says:If I didn't do it,you would have died there.I can't bear that at all.
Min ho:Shin hye,are you showing sympathy to me?Or showing your gratefulness towards me?I don't want any of them .You don't know how I was afraid to see you like this!My world was shaken for a moment.I ...

Shin hye put her hand on his mouth.Min ho became surprised .Shin hye says:
Just be quite.And listen what I say.Then react .Okay?
Min ho nodded like a little child.
Shin hye:Min ho,I came to know about your past.
He becomes shocked and asked:Do you know about my mother and my rape case?
Shin hye nodded.
Min ho becomes ashamed as she learned about his scandal.He tried to get himself out from their grip but there were too many of them.He bowed down his head with shame.
Shin hye realized that he became ashamed for this case.She knows that he was innocent and that wasn't his fault at all.
Shin hye pulled his chin up and says:Don't be ashamed of that.It wasn't your fault.Min ho,I used to think that you are a Casanova,a monster.But that day I realized that you are a pure man with a golden heart.You easily melt my heart.
Min ho:Are you feeling pity for me?Shin hye,please don't feel pity on me.I can't tolerate this feeling.
Saying this,he tries to get out from the room.Shin hye wants to stop him.She tries to stand up but she feels dizzy.Seeing it,Min ho ran to her and hold her.
Min ho:You need to take rest.Why are you pretending to be silly.
Shin hye hold his neck and says:
If being in love is being foolish,I am foolish then.
Her confident voice caused shivers into Min ho's nerves.He can't believe that she said she loves him.
He says:Shin hye,what did you just say?
Shin hye:I have realized my feelings for you.I am in love with you.
Min ho was standing there dumbfounded.
Shin hye:I love you.
Min ho's eyes became teary.Shin hye kissed him on his lips lightly.Minho becomes shocked by her act.He tries to say something but Shin hye kissed him on his lips again.
Min ho's eyes widened seeing her actions.She winked at him saying:Your face has become like me when you used to shock me.
She whispered into his ears:This is called Tit for tat.
Shin hye knelt down and says:Lee Min ho,will you love me?I know I don't have red rose now.I am proposing you regarding the situation.Will you be my love forever?
Min ho's joy knew no bounds.He was very happy.He couldn't believe that he finally got his love after much struggle.He made her stand up.He carassed her face and grabbed her waist pulling near to him.He kissed her forehead. He romantically says:Should I give you the answer in my way?
Shin hye smiled at him while blushing .Min ho got his answer.He grabbed her neck and started kissing her lips passionately.Shin hye also kissed him back.Finally Min ho got his love Shin hye.

Hope you all liked my story.Give your respective comments and votes to my story.Lots of love from Bangladesh.

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