Double Trouble

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Shin hye woke up and found herself in an unknown place.She looked around .Suddenly she heard a manly voice.

"You're awake"
The voice was none other than Min ho's .He was glaring at her but that glaring was mixed with affection.

He was glaring at her but that glaring was mixed with affection

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"Sir?Where am I?"-Shin hye.She tried  to  stand up but due to dizziness she was about to fall.Min ho caught her in time.The touch ran shivers on Shin hye's nerves.She with tension looked at him.His eyes were full of affection for her .Shin hye feels nervous.Min ho made her to sit down on the bed.Min ho :
You are at my mansion now.
Shin hye widened her eyes with surprise and asks:Why??
Min ho laughed at her face.She looked like a small bunny.

"Why are you laughing at me?"Shin hye with confusion.
Min ho:To see your face.Why do you widened your eyes whenever you become shocked?
Shin hue in her serious tone says:Sir,do you think I am a mood in some kind of joke?You yourself told me that you don't want me to show my face.Then why do you took me here in your mansion?
Min ho:Well,you faint away.You have high fever.Take some rest.
Saying this he was about to go then suddenly Shin hye caught his hand which made Min ho shocked.He looked at her with disbelief.Shin hye realized what she has done.She immediately released his hand.She asks forgiveness from him.She continued saying:
Sorry Sir .But trust me,I never done such thing in my life.I always tried my best to secure my dignity.I never allowed any boy to be romantically involved with me.I just can't believe this type of fake scandal will took place in my life.

She cried while saying this.Her face becomes red for crying.Min ho cleaned her tears from her face.He console her by hugging her.He says patting her hair affectionately:
Don't cry.I trust you.I know that you can never do such horrible thing.I am sorry for being rude to you.I was pissed off by seeing the photo.But don't worry.I will help you and save you from this scandal.
He says everything with guilt.He feels very guilty for making Shin hye face such type of tension and terror.He genuinely feels bad .He then saw that Shin hye was sleeping.He touched her forehead which was hot for her fever.Due to dizziness,she fell asleep.He made her lie on the bed.He looked at her and smiled at her.He says:
I can do whatever I want in your this state but I want your consent too.Without your consent I won't go forward with my desires Shin hye and this is my promise to you.He patted her hair and then took care of her.
At 7 pm,he dropped Shin hye at her home.He hold her as she felt so dizzy that she falls down.He took her to her room.He then comes to downstairs and met her family.Her family thanked him warmly.Min ho asks:
Does Shin hye has any serious problem?
Her mother:She becomes sick whenever she becomes stressful or she gets any fear.Nowadays she is acting very weird.
Min ho with worry:What type of weirdness?
Jimin:She eats very little and also sleeps less.I have seen her being stressful but she never does this.
Soo young:Cold fever is common now.Sis,also has caught cold fever.So,don't worry.
Min ho becomes tensed.He thinks:Did I make a mistake?
I have put her in such pain.
He left the spot.Everyone in Shin hye's family praises Min ho.
Min ho after reaching his mansion,takes a warm bath.He was thinking about Shin hye.He somewhat feeling guilty.He also framed many girls but he never felt this type of guilt.Probably he framed her in the worst accusation.He lies on his bed but his mind was full about Shin hye.He calls her .She picks up too with stress.
Min ho:How are you?
Shin hye:You don't need to waste your time on me.
Min ho:Has your fever gone?
Shin hye:Sir please sleep now.It's already 12:30 am night.
Min ho:Has your dizziness gone?
Shin hye:Sir please stop it.Please let me stay at my own state.Please don't inquiry about me!
Min ho:You are attached to me .So I have to.
Shin hye:What?
Min ho:I am the one who framed you.
Shin hye's blood boiled with anger.She can't believe that he could have this type of low mentality.She loses her control and started to pour her anger on him.
Shin hye:You scumbug!How could you?Don't you have shame?A womanizer!A Casanova!You are the most disgusting and characterless human in this entire world.
Min ho was smiling hearing her words all this time.He with cool firm voice says:Then I am blessed as I am the first this type human who got into your life Shin.
Shin hy e:That's my nickname.I haven't given the right of calling me with my nickname!
Min ho laughs which made Shin hye more furious.
Shin hye:How can a man laugh after hearing so much badmouthing.
Min ho:How can I not laugh?The girl is rebuking that person who has this much power and her scandalized pictures .I just can't stop my laugh.
Shin hye's face became pale hearing this.She with trembling voice says:Look,I know you are taking the revenge of my slap.But take it on another way ,not this way please.I request you to not to post my photos in social media.
Min ho:You became a little white rabbit now who is begging mercy .I am feeling sorry for you.Don't worry ,I am not going to post it.
Shin hue with shock:What??!
Min ho:But you know business is about loss and profit.
Shin hye becomes afraid hearing this.She wonders what he is going to do now.She asks:What do you want?
Min ho in a serious tone says:You.
Shin hye:I will commit suicide!
Min ho:Don't you dare to do something like this otherwise I will make your family suffer to hell.
Shin hye:Don't make my family involved in this,Min ho!
Min ho first time heard his name from her mouth.He felt a unique feeling from this.He says:
I will not post your photos but in two conditions.
Shin hye :What are your conditions?
She was crying bitterly which can Min ho feel.He says his condition in his royal and cool voice:
Be My girlfriend.Obey me blindly .
Shin hye:What???!!!
Min ho:What is your answer then?
Shin hue after thinking much says:
I really curse the day when you saw my face for the first time.
Min ho felt irked at these words.She continued saying:
I accept my hell.Do whatever you want.
She hang up the call by crying.Min ho felt pain as well as happiness.On the other hand,Shin hye is crying like hell.She says:I am in double trouble now.In one contrary,my family and society's abutment and another contrary Min ho's torture.God save me please!

Hope you all liked my story.Give your respective comments and votes to my story.Lots of love from Bangladesh.

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