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“What do they open?”

“I’m hoping a certain door. There was a locked room at the farm, I’m hoping one of these keys will open it up.”

Seth and I were sitting in the living room going through my mother’s jewellery box. There were three keys on the little charm bracelet, I was hoping one of them would open the room at the house.

“It’s too dangerous.” Seth said in his ‘do not argue with me' tone. I frowned at him.

“We have to go back there.”

“And you think that man won’t put a bullet in our brains?” he asked incredulously.

“We can go tomorrow night. You said it yourself, he isn’t living there, the house will probably be empty and we can sneak in and out without being seen. Either way, I’m going with or without you.” I crossed my arms and huffed.

Seth just sat there glaring at me, it was clear he was used to calling the shots and he didn’t deal well with stubborn people. I don’t think he understood how important this was to me.

“Fifteen minutes.”


“We go in and be out in fifteen minutes.” He said.

Of course, he would compromise on this, like he would any business deal.

“Twenty. Take it or leave it.” I said.

He threw his hands in exasperation.

“You drive a hard bargain, don’t you?” he asked in dissatisfaction.

“Hmmm, I’m learning from you.” I teased.

Things had definitely changed between Seth and I. He wasn’t as intimidating and closed off as the first time I met him, we could actually have a decent conversation and be totally relaxed. He and I came from different worlds, he was high up the status ladder and people like me were at the bottom of the food chain. But not once had he treated me like I was below him, he attended to me like his equal.

I felt like this trip had intensified things between us, I still didn’t know what those things were. We only kissed once and we never cleared the air on what that kiss meant, the attraction definitely buzzed between us. Sometimes I would catch him staring at me with a look that I did not recognise and sometimes he would be the one to catch me ogling him. It made me wonder, will this still be there after all this is over after we have solved the puzzle surrounding my mother. I didn’t know him very well, I had no clue what he liked, what he didn’t like, his hobbies or anything from his childhood. It was ironic that I didn’t know a damn thing about the man I was attracted to and yet he knew what most people in my life didn’t.

“What are you thinking about?” He scooted closer to where I was sitting on the couch. I unconsciously moved closer to him too, so we were sitting facing each other, knee to knee.

“Nothing.” I lied.

“You are not a very good liar.” He pointed out.

“Hmmm.” I hummed with a small smile on my face.

 I definitely wasn’t in the mood for talking anymore. I knew there was a chance of Seth and I would never be in this type of setting again, in a few days time we would have to go back to reality. In the real world, men like Seth didn’t end up with girls like me.
I had a choice to be bold and do everything in my power to relish in the moment and hurt later. Or I could take the safe way out and keep my distance from Seth and avoid a possible heartbreak in the near future.

I chose the former.

I didn’t give myself time to think it through, I threw my legs over Seth’s lap and assumed a straddling position on top of him. Without giving him time to react, I kissed him.

Beneath me, Seth froze for a fraction of a second, clearly surprised by my actions, before I felt him place his hands tightly around my waist. His mouth was just as I remembered, a contradiction between soft lips and hard kisses. I moved my hands from his neck down to his torso, my intention was to sneak them under his sweater but I was caught before I could even get my fingers to the hem.

“Be good.” He muttered huskily in my ear, his hands locking my arms behind my back in a firm grip.

I released a small moan of protest before leaning in to kiss him again, extremely disappointed that he wouldn’t let me touch him. I twisted my hands trying to break free of his handle but he was ridiculously strong, he wasn’t letting go. I moved my body against his own in another try to get him to release my hands but I only managed to rub against him. The inside of my thighs kept making contact with something hard beneath me, his damn phone.

I moved again and Seth’s hands shot quickly from hands to my waist but not without a loud painful groan.

“Stop moving.” His hands were an iron grip on my waist.

“I-.” My sentence was cut off by a loud ringing.

Seth reached over to the coffee table beside the couch to answer the phone. It only took me a minute to realise something, if his phone was on the table then what was...

Realisation dawned on me like someone poured a bucket of ice-cold water on me. I leapt off him faster than a blink of an eye, my face red hot with mortification. It wasn’t like I was a stranger to male anatomy, God knew I was naive, but somehow everything with this man felt new.

I got up and pretended to look at something on my phone. There were a few texts from my aunt sent this morning, one from Selene, then another from Ben asking me why I didn’t tell him I was leaving town. I was about to pocket my phone when a new text from the last person I wanted to hear from, Chloe.

How had she even gotten my new number? Just thinking about them made me wonder if I was being too harsh, we used to be very close back then but I couldn’t dismiss the fact she had betrayed me.

Her and all our other friends. She kind of showed her true colours to me, that and the idea that I had outgrown our friendship, I didn’t feel guilty for it.

So i just ignored her message. Soon i would be back in Sunnyside creek, i didn't need her.

“Hey, you okay there?” I heard Seth ask.

“Yes.” I answered quietly.

“That was the guard, our food is here.” Guard?

“You hired a guard? What for?” Was that who I saw last night outside the kitchen window?

How come Seth hadn’t said anything.

“To deal with trespassers.” His tone immediately changed to a dismissive one. I frowned at that, he was hiding something from me.

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