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The hotel lobby wasn't as packed as it was the previous night. A few guests were moving in and out, only a handful paid attention to me, it was obviously a norm around here to see people moving around in evening gowns.

I spotted Selene and her mother waiting at the entrance talking to the receptionist that had welcomed us last night. Selene turned in my direction and excused herself from the conversation and began walking up to meet me.

"Wow. Looks like my fairy godstylists did a fantastic job, not that you needed it. You could have worn a trash bag and still look amazing. You look gorgeous my friend."

I felt mocked as usual. Selene looked like a literal goddess in a long one-armed silver gown and the make-up to match, it was weird for her to say I looked gorgeous when she was the definition of the word.

"Thanks, you look amazing as always." I grinned at her as she did a small cutesy.

"I love what you did with your hair. Whose idea was it to have it up, Kira or Kara? And this lovely hairpiece, I didn't see you pick it up when we went shopping."


"Selene. Lisa. Save the chit chat for later, we are going to be late."

Mrs Blackwell called out, waving at us. She held her long lacy black gown and began walking out to the car.
Selene and I scurried after, me more than her, I wasn't an expert in heels so it took me a while to catch up and insect myself on a seat beside Selene. The car started to move and I looked around the big car worried. Mrs Blackwell was sitting in front of us, her eyes focused on an iPad in her hand, Selene was looking searching for something in her silver clutch, there was one person missing in the car.

My date.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and tried to peer past Mrs Blackwell's shoulder to check if he was sitting with the driver but I couldn't see any sign of him. Had he changed his mind about attending the ball or was he going to be fashionably late? An uneasiness settled over me at the thought of him avoiding the ball altogether cause his mother had forced him to be my date.

"He gave us a head start. There were business matters he needed to attend to." Mrs Blackwell spoke.

My attention immediately snapped to her and found her staring at me with a calculating look. How long had she been watching me? And was it so obvious that I was looking for her son? I nodded at her and looked down embarrassed.

Nothing more was till I felt the car stop. Through the tinted windows I could make out some dozens of people flowing into the building, some lights and I could definitely hear some classic music. Now I knew where Selene got her musical taste from.
The car's door slid open and a man dressed in an outfit that should've stayed in 70s walked up to lend Mrs Blackwell a hand in getting out of the car.

Selene was next and then me, the moment my feet set foot on the stoned pathway my heartbeat picked up. There were so many people, more than I expected, dressed lavishly moving in into the building and behind me, so many more cars driving in and out.

I tried not to trip over myself as I followed Selene and her mother to the main entrance, I couldn't keep my eyes on one thing, how could I? I was trying hard not to openly stare at the other guests but that proving more difficult than I thought, my ears would pick up different languages, some I could identify and others not so much.

I was about to ask Selene something about the event when my eyes settled on someone that made me forget what I was about to ask.

My steps faltered slightly as I did a double-take on the man in front of me.
He was dressed in a shiny black tux with a bowtie tonight, he stood with one hand in the pocket.

I felt my mouth dry and my heart race when he looked over in my direction. It took me a minute to realise that I had stopped walking and just stood staring. I knew no matter how much time I spent around him, I would never be able to get used to how handsome he was.

Without breaking eye contact I watched Seth Blackwell walk slowly in my direction and like in a trance I stood rooted in one place. Before my mind could register anything else, he was already in front of me.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. Seth didn't say anything, he just extended his arm for me to take. I only hesitated for a split second before linking my arm with his and allowed myself to be led into the big castle.

Now I had seen many extravagant castles on TV and in magazines but none of them took my breath away from the same way this one did. I was in absolute awe at the place, it was like something out of a fairy tale, they even had a real-life orchestra playing.
Selene and her mother had disappeared in the crowds, leaving me and my date alone. No words had been exchanged between us yet, we just moved in the crowds greeting whoever crossed our way.

"Ah, if it isn't Seth Blackwell, all grown up now." A man spoke as he approached us.

"Mr Benson, good to see you again." Seth shook the man's hand firmly and gave him a tight smile.

"It's been too long boy. Last saw you at your father's funeral, may his soul rest in peace. Now you're all grown and dominating the business world already just like your old man."

I felt Seth tense up at the mention of his father, I didn't know the details surrounding his death but it seemed like an uncomfortable topic for him.

"And who is this lovely young lass with you?" Mr Benson's attention turned to me.

"This is my date, Miss Marche." I could speak for myself but Seth didn't seem to think so as he took it upon himself to introduce me.

"Lovely to meet you, Miss Marche." He bowed his head and I smiled and nodded at him.

"Are you related to the Marbrookes? You look rather familiar, we might have crossed paths here before." He asked, his eyes examining my face with curiosity.

"No sir. This actually my first time here." I said trying not to sound irritated at being openly mistaken for someone else.

"Ah is that so? Welcome then, Seth here should bring you here every year."

"I definitely will. You'll have to excuse us, Mr Benson, it was good to see you again." Seth didn't wait for the man to respond, he led me further into the crowd. It wasn't long till we came across another person who was acquainted with Seth.

"Mr and Mrs Evans." Seth nodded at an elderly couple who stood in front of us.

"Seth, my boy! It's been too long."

The husband stepped forward and pulled Seth into an awkward manly hug.

"And you've grown into such a fine young man."

The wife stepped up and gave Seth's arms a squeeze and kissed his cheek. She looked like she wanted to eat him up, literally.

Seth just awkwardly smiled at them but I could tell he wasn't into it. He brought me forward with his arm and introduced me to the couple as his date.

"What a beautiful thing she is. When is the wedding?"

I almost choked on my own spit at Mrs Evans question. Even Seth's body tensed beside me, his face etched with confusion, the first real emotion that i have ever seen on his face.

"Umm. Miss Marche is just my date. She is a friend of Selene." Seth spoke.

The couple nodded with polite smiles.

"I apologise for my wife's intrusive question. It's just that you two look so good together. It was nice seeing you again and you Miss Marche." Mr Evans said with an apologetic smile as he walked away with his wife.

They were almost out of earshot when I heard Mrs Evans say

"Those features doesn't she remind you of Juliet's daughter..."


Wonder who that is?

Any theories? I would love to hear them.

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