#8) Leap of Faith

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"Karan ?! Are you okay ?""Gulp", I spit out water from my mouth as I regained my consciousness

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"Karan ?! Are you okay ?"
"Gulp", I spit out water from my mouth as I regained my consciousness.

"Karan !", Vaishnavi entered the scene. I quickly got up and covered the others.

"Dada, this girl isn't just a princess. She's a mayavi. She can use magic and illusions. She is the reason I jumped into the water", I said as I called upon my sword.

"Do you have any idea about what you are talking about ?", Dada asked.

"Yes, Dada. She made the water still. The waterjust stopped all of a sudden !"
"Let me check if the water has went upto your brain", Pawan started laughing.

"Who are you ? I'm asking for the last time", I wielded my sword against her.
"Karan, you are over reacting", she said.

Pawan came in between and turned my attention towards the waterfall.
It wasn't still now. It was flowing, like normal.

"Ok cool. Maybe I'm over reacting...
But I think I'm sensing something. Someone's breaching the security wall-0. Let's go, quick", I said.

Vaishnavi looked concerned. "I'm sorry I'm just.. Everything's gonna be okay", I assured as I ran towards the wall.

But I knew it wasn't okay anymore. Breaching a security wall meant they would've destroyed some villages by now.

"We need to hurry", I told Pawan.
"Say no more", he said as he held me and started running. Faster than the winds.

By the time we reached, almost every of the newly settled villages had been destroyed. A big lion-like creature destroyed everything in it'sway as a massive army backed it.

"Pawan, you deal with the creature. I'll take care of the army", I said as I jumped from the security wall-1.

Pawan was powerful enough to take down the creature. He punched the creature as he jumped towards it.

But then something struck him.
It was a whole freaking lightning.

How was that even…
Soon, I felt a powerful and mysterious aura filling the atmosphere. The trees lost their leaves and died. The rivers became dry as a person descended from that creature's back.

Some of his own army died as he stepped over the land. "Hello there Karan. My dear son."

It was him. KP himself.



I made my way to the ashram, as instructed by Dada and Vyas guru. But my mind wouldn't let me take another step, as I pondered over the thing that happened at the waterfall.

I took another look at my hand. It had a mysterious floral pattern. It glowed as I touched it.

It wasn't there before.
What was happening with me ? This design.. why does it seem so familiar..

It couldn't be me, right ?

That's when I noticed Bhargava Dada and Vyas guru reading the Kalkipurana.
"This doesn't make sense. It was destined to happen this way. But this didn't happen. Instead…", Dada stopped suddenly.

"Vaishnavi,is there something I can help you with ?"

Oh no. He noticed me. What do I do now ?
Should I tell them about..

"I know you have an idea about what you really are. About what we are.."
"No. No. I was just wandering around. Hehe. Nothing much. Sorry for disturbing", I escaped quickly.

So even both of them know.
But then why is Karan kept hidden from all this? I should tell him as soon as possible. I rushed towards the security wall.

"I'm not your son, KP", Karan yelled.
"I'm sure your Bhargava knows about this", KP replied.

"Yes ofcourse, I'll take you to him after I'll kill you", Karan said as he charged towards KP.

KP ordered his army to attack him, whereas Pawan engaged in a fight with the large creature.

Karan started swinging his sword as he was attacked from all sides.
"Back off. Please. I won't hurt you if you back off. I don't like hurting you, but I've to... to protect my home. Those who will surrender willnot be hurt !", Karan announced.

"The ones who'll surrender will be killed by me.Myself", KP also made a counter-announcement.

All of a sudden, I felt something. A deep sad feeling. Karan's feeling.

'With every person I kill, I kill a part of myself', he seemed to say.

"Don't interfere. Please. I know what you are thinking. But it'll be against the destiny", Bhargava Dada's words brought me back from my thoughts. He and Vyas guru stood against me, as I neared the safety wall.

"Don't you see Karan ? He's hurt. He doesn't like this. He says with every person he kills, he's killing a part of himself…

What if he takes out every part of the Karan we know. Everything we like, we know about OUR Karan… and becomes something else.
Someone else. That even he won't recognise…"

"This is exactly what the fate wants from him", Dada said with a deep voice.

"I get it now. You aren't teaching him to make him a warrior. You're making him a monster", I cried. "It's not what the fate demands. It's what you need."

"Vaishnavi, you are losing control", Vyas guru tried to pacify me.
"Don't", I made it to the edge of the security wall, and noticed Karan struggling through the army.

"If I'm really the incarnation of Devi Lakshmi. I call upon my powers. I need them. Right here. Right now", I declared.

Nothing happened.
I recalled something. Something that happened a long ago. Ages ago.

"If all it takes is a leap of faith. Then fine. I'll do it too."

And with that, I jumped.

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