Boom Boom Bang Bang

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I fucking watched with rage as these hulking men pushed children from a giant yacht to walk down the ramp and to the dock. The poor kids were at least wearing decent winter clothing and boots, so kudos to that. There were more or less twenty under-aged boys and girls being herded by these men.

Me, Oberto and fifteen others went in the target location via the water. Our team further separated into five sub teams to cover all the possible points of entry and exit in the yard.

"The bosses are in the warehouse," I could feel the indignation in Carson's voice in my comm. There was just one warehouse and it was huge-ass with little windows placed in its middle, giving Carson's scope a view of what was happening inside. "Somebody give this pig a bib to not slobber saliva all over his money suit." I knew he was itching to fuck these motherfuckers up as we all did.

"Do you have eyes on the White Queen?" This was Garick.

"In position. Ready, waiting for signal." Oberto, who was a foot from me answered for all of us.

"Negative on the White Queen." Carson informed again. "In position."

"In position. And I can see the disgusting look of these mofos from here when they saw the children." I could just imagine Di Laurentis getting ready to shoot one of them in the head—probably already locked them in his scope—and I wouldn't blame him, he was married once and probably had kids. He was deployed opposite of Carson's to widen the surveillance.

"Waiting for a go." Was Gid's reply.

"Stay put, queen's arrival is the signal." Came Garick's voice again.

Oberto arrived after the interrogation with one of Cassandra's killer. The man my superior dragged in with him was one of the infiltrators at the base and the only one he left alive of the people he tracked down.

He wasn't easy to crack, I tell you, even with the bulge on his left temple continuing to swell from being hit repeatedly. Same questions asked and same answers were spat. We didn't bother tying him—he had broken wrists and legs—because we didn't see any point, we just slapped him in the middle of the stone table and took turns questioning him.

In the end, Garick got enough of the man's bloody smiles and noiselessness that he took out his Taurus Striker and gunned the grinning lost case in the head.

Nara watched me hit the man a couple of times and I wondered what she thought of me at that moment. She had her eyes closed and ears covered by her hands when my boss killed the man though. She didn't talk a word when I dropped her off my parents' house, because that was the safest option I had, but she was shaking when I hugged her tight and told her I would be back.

Before execution, we went over to the plan, formations, spares, estimation of people, and if Alastair would really be there. If not, at least we got to save the children from falling into the hands of those perverted low-ass maggots.

Garick informed us that the probable reason why Alastair wanted to eliminate my whole team when I was still a cop was because of the upcoming presidential elections, Rebecca Alastair was a right-hand man of one of the presidential candidates and didn't want anyone knowing his involvement to major crimes in his country and some other parts of the world. Turned out the asshole candidate was planning on trading weaponry for child flesh under his country's nose. These sick people didn't need jail, they must be erased from the face of the earth as fast as possible.

She had tried to get Perez killed because he was slowly gaining power, men, and connection, and was an asset to the FBI so he got a stronger protection. Rodrigo Perez probably told everything he knew to the authorities and was only waiting for them to take action, too bad for him he won't be able to watch the down fall of the woman who attempted to caused his downfall. Thanks to me.

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