The Enemies' Waltz (Part 2)

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"Mr. and Mrs. Collins always fight every day. In the evening, you can hear them yelling if you pass by their estate," he told her. "But in the late hours of the night, you can hear other things happening between them. Quite an amusing couple, those two."

She could guess what he was inferring to
from the suggestive grin on his face. An amused smile almost appeared on hers but she held it back and raised a skeptical brow instead. "You're saying fighting on purpose makes sleeping together more enjoyable?"

He shrugged, "It works for them. A little
rivalry adds to the fire, you know."

"Well, it won't work for me," she returned with a snort. "If I were to ever marry my enemy—"

"I'm flattered you're considering to marry me." he inturrupted with a teasing grin.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh, Sylvan. If I were to ever marry you, I'd poison your morning tea."

"And if I were to ever marry you, I'd gladly drink it, Océanne."

What a horribly tiresome man he was! The very sight if his flirtatious smile was vexing and the sound of his voice making such suggestive comments was absolutely maddening. The lady felt when face heat up from both embarrassment and frustration as she shot back.

"Well you're in luck because I'd never marry my enemy. I'd hate to spend the rest of my life with the likes of you." she scoffed.

"Oh, come now. You don't know that." He
insisted. "You might find being enemies makes sleeping together more exciting!"

"I highly doubt that."

"Now, that's simply because you've never
slept with me."

She almost choked on air at the comment
and actually laughed, unable to believe the
absurdity of it. "Surely you're not suggesting we sleep together."

The man chuckled, and leaned in further to whisper, "That would undoubtedly upset the other tasteless women here severely."

To her surprise, the girl felt the corners of her
lips twitch up into a smile and lowered her head so that he wouldn't see her actually smiling at something he said. She never found him funny at all. But tonight, his advances - that always worked on all the other women but her - were suddenly quite charming.

"You are an absolute villain," she whispered
as they waltzed past a group of women trying to get his attention with flirtatious waves and sweet smiles.

He nodded to them and flashed his signature
grin, making them swoon before turning his
partner around. Now that he wasn't facing them, the women shot his partner glares.

They weren't the only ones to quickly switch
up their attitude. The young, attractive man rolled his eyes as soon as he turned his back to them. He lowered his voice to a whisper, "There are so many of them in love with me that it's almost refreshing to hear you call me that."

She shook her head, trying to suppress her
laughter but failing as an uncomely snort escaped her.

"Did you just laugh?" he asked, genuinely
amazed. A smirk played at his lips as his eyes
brightened. "And here I thought the only thing that would make you smile would be to see me making a fool of myself."

"Of course not," she replied, smirking back at


"Yes. You moving out of town forever would
also make me incandescently happy."

"Ah. There's the horribly coarse attitude I

She shook her head, the smile on her face
unwilling to disappear. Why was she so
comfortable now with the man with who she felt nothing but discomfort around? They were speaking to one another as if they were old friends, joking around lightheartedly. Even their. Even their quips and retorts seemed more like friendly teasing than their usual arguing. They were conversing so naturally, it was hard to believe she hated him before this dance.

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