He stepped in the temple. There was a tradition, in order to let nature hear your wishes and to express your gratitude towards her, You take a flower, and whisper your words to the flower. Giving it to the nature. So she will hear your words. Jin took the rose near his mouth, covering up a bit. So that no one can make out his words.

"Mother.....its Jin......I know you are mad with me. And i deserve your anger. I just wanted to say this. That day....I was too rude with you. I wanted a chance to apologize to you. But you left. I stayed there though. The whole night. In hopes you might return. But you must be very mad. I understand. I am the one at fault. Mother....am sorry for my behavior. I know it would never justify my actions with you but, but...I was blinded out. Blinded out by love. You must understand. That the first mistake which I made was for this love........and my desire to stay back was the same love.

I know you are mad and you want me back. But mother, I can not live peacefully without them you know. I love it here. I can not go on being a God. I love to create. But it will come at the greater cost of losing them, and I don't want that.

Just wanted to say this. I dont want to lose you either. But I will never lose you if I stay here. You are present here everywhere. But they are not there. They won't be there. Mother. Please understand. I am not asking to leave my duties all together leaving you alone. I am asking you time. For me. To live with them. Until you know......you fated them to die......I will return. Back. Won't question if you hate me. But please please please grant me this time. I promise I will never disappoint you. I am so sorry. Once again. I love you a lot." Jin whispered.

He caressed the flower a little. As he walked back towards the priest. He handed the priest the flower. Bowing to him in respect. Doing the same for his mother. He turned around walking back. The priest kept the flower on small praying area, as he turned around to find some essence stick. The wind was quite high that day. The flower blew away. The priest turned around to find the flower gone.


"Guys!" Jimin blasted the door open, disturbing the peaceful nap yoongi was taking. "Dude fuck you...I was soo relaxed." Yoongi said turning to his side. Facing away from jimin.

Jimin rushed towards yoongi shaking him up. "No no hyung wake up!" He said. "What is wrong jiminie?" Taehyung asked coming in. "Tae! Where is jungkook? And hoseok hyung? And namjoon  hyung?" Jimin asked. "We are here..." namjoon said coming along jungkook a hoseok. From kitchen. "Hyung! We need to talk." Jimin said. "What is it?" Yoongi said finally getting up, annoyed of the younger.

"We need to propose." Jimin said. "Whom?" Jungkook asked out of curiosity. "Jin hyung!" Jimin said. "What?! Are you crazy jimin" hoseok said. "Why? Don't you guys love him? Like we do? Why not propose him?" Jimin said. "Jimin no doubt we love him...its just impossible!" Namjoon said. "Why is it so impossible? " jimin asked. "Because jimin! We still haven't labeled our relationship into anything....how can we propose him? And for what? We just can't do it as boyfriends because we don't call ourselves that....we are definitely not his fiance! Infact our parents don't yet know anything about us!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"Ofcourse our parents know about Jin!" Jimin said. "But hyung....they know him as a friend and not as a possible future husband shared by 6 of us you know......" jungkook said as he blushed a little looking down.

"Fineee then let Ken become your future brother in law and cry about it in a corner as he might allow you to name his kids he adopts with Ken."  Jimin said rolling his eyes ready to walk in his room.

"Wait a damn minute. Where the fuck that Ken came from?" Taehyung asked frowning a bit. "Now you care buddy? Huh?" Jimin said rolling his eyes. As he still continued to walk in his room.

"Park jimin! Bring that ass of your in this room right at this moment!" Yoongi said closing his eyes, folding his arms, eyebrows knitted together. Jimin walked no more as he turned and walked back in the room. He glance at the 3 eldest and the 2 younger all held anger and confusion.

"Fine I'll tell..." and so jimin said all the things he felt wrong with how Ken acted with jin. "In conclusion that Ken got crush on our...jin" jimin said concluding his 2 mintue long dramatic speech.

"How dare he!" Namjoon blurted out. Oh man namjoon was mad. "Why didn't you pinned him down...would have been better." Hoseok said. "Fuck. Why didn't you chocked that dude?" Yoongi said. "More likely....called us so that we can give him slow poison to let him die slowly..." jungkook added as a matter of fact. Yup jungkook was mad. "Honestly. We could be mafi... we chose the wrong profession dude in which we succeeded." Taehyung said.

"Soo I was saying to propose him." Jimin said. "What will it change? We just need to keep that dude away from jin," namjoon said.

"No you don't get it! Alot will change! So what if we get rid of Ken....we still will be left will so many people! We just can't go ahead commiting crimes now can we? But....the fact will change that no one can go ahead flirt with him like Ken did today! Because there will be a sign something.....stopping them from touching jin! And I know hyung could have just said no if he was uncomfortable....but hyung considers him as a friend and it's ok for him because he also dont have any commitment with us. But then if he will get committed into something with us..he will naturally say no! Because we are the ones whom he allows to do that! Not him or anyone else!" Jimin said in one breath.  Red from the rap like abilities he possessed.

"I think jimin is right." Hoseok said. Everyone agreed. "But who will propose him? Like give him a ring?" Taehyung asked. "Joonie hyung!" Jungkook said. "Why me?" Namjoon said, "cause you are the leader dude. Also he is the most comfortable with you...." yoongi said.

Namjoon is in big trouble. Don't get him wrong he doesn't hate jin, he will definitely love to marry jin. It's just that.....how will he explain his parents.....that he loves a guy?

fate of us (jin×bangtan)[completed]Where stories live. Discover now