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It was currently 9:50pm. But I just could not wait. In 14 hours I would be going to set to film a movie with THE Otis Lort. You got that right. OTIS LORT. The guy thats in those really unfunny movies. His movies are so unfunny they're hilarious.

OH. I am so so sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Claire. Claire Thompson. And in 14 hours i will be filming a movie with Otis Lort as I have mentions before.

This is going to be my first ever movie. I am also 12 years old. I turned 12 on May 5th 1992

I am again reading my lines for like the millionth time since i got the role. My parents were so proud of me. They threw a HUGE party just for me. I forgot to mention. I am about to become a big sister! How cool is that! We don't know the gender of the baby yet but i really want a sister.

One day I want to film a movie with THE Ralph Macchio. Oh my god that man is something of a different breed I tell you. Did you know he was like 22 when he filmed the first Karate kid movie! How cool is that!

Anyway I should head to bed now. I have a huge day ahead of me!

-Love Claire

How are you guys liking the story so far! Sorry about the short chapter, it is my first story after all. But enough about me. Let's talk about you guys! (Or whoever decides to read this story) Don't forget to stay hydrated! Dm me if you have any problems :) I am always available! Except during school hours 😅. Now that reminds me don't forget to do your homework! And get some food to eat! Since I live on the other side of the world (Of the USA specifically) My timing will be different. I will try to answer any questions and/or corrections. Be happy. Stay humble. And live your best life.


"LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!"        •OTIS LORT•Where stories live. Discover now