𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨

Start from the beginning

"Your principal is an Lycanthrope. The Administrator too."

Nicoletta's eyes shifted, just like they do in the sunlight, and drew a blank, looking at Annabeth strangely. All comedic thoughts broke in her head as she grew silent and uncomfortable.

"Listen, you're going to have to come with me and I'll explain everything once we get to camp."

"I'm not going anywhere with you, you psycho," Nicoletta blurted. Her words laced with power as she gathered the remainder of candy in her palm. Annabeth seemed to believe her words too, nodding in agreement before blinking rapidly.

"Yes you are," Annabeth tapped her finger on the table, glancing around nervously. "We don't have much time. You have to cooperate."

"I don't have to do anything. My dad expects me at home by four o'clock so you can tell this Chiron dude that—"

          Whatever Nicoletta wanted Annabeth to tell the Chiron fellow was interrupted by a wolf like howl sounded from behind the two girls, sending chills down their spines.

          "New transfer?" Principal Qweller barked, limping as if he's adjusting to his legs.

          "Annabeth Chase. Daughter of Athena," Principal Qweller growled as the administrator went on, "here on a quest to retrieve Rossi."

           Nicoletta's eyebrows furrowed. Quest? No doubt a quest to 'retrieve' her. Panic set in as the two stopped walking.

          "Too bad. Boss is in need of you," it took her a second to realize Qweller was talking directly to her, his canines dripping saliva. "The Daughter of Athena will be ripped to shreds."

Any scarce thoughts that this might be a prank fluttered from her mind as she saw the two scratch themselves, uncomfortable in their own bodies.

           She watched as Annabeth locked in her gaze, stormy greys captured in by her eyelashes created a sense of hope, that maybe, she knew what she was doing.

          "Wait a second," Nicoletta let out a breathy laugh, not one out of comedy, but fear. She had heard a tale of Lycanthropes, the library down the street held many stories of Greek myths—or in this case— realities. She whimpered. "Your boss? Lycaon?"

The Administrator growled and snapped his jaw. "That fool kicked us out of his pack years ago. We work for more intelligible people now." He scratched himself behind his ear with his claws.

Annabeth's eyes widened, they started to sting slightly at the insinuation. "Luke?"

The Administrator's eyes glared right into Nicoletta's, his irises golden, a silky luster as his pupils dilated. "You'll see."

Two men, one taller and one heavier man with bald spots decorating his head stood with malicious thoughts dead-set in their eyes. Bones cracking as they turned into their more comfortable form.

Annabeth quickly stood up, unsheathing the dagger that was previously hidden from public eyes. "Quick!" She threw an old lipstick tube in Nicoletta's direction. It has a vintage glint to it, the lipstick capsule looked like it belonged in the 50's. The girl who was frozen in fear and shock fumbled to catch it.

The tube was hefty, Nicoletta could only guess that it was made from pure gold, nothing less. As she was gawking as it realized the word αγγελάκι was carved into the cap. What shocked the girl even further was the fact that she could translate it, little angel, only because she would never be caught dead studying a dead language.

"Open it!" Annabeth ducked as the more pudgy Lycanthrope, she could only guess that was Principal Qweller, swiped at her, before hitting the hilt of her dagger against the monsters head.

"What?" Nicoletta's toffee eyes were turning hazel as a blush crept up her neck in fright. Cornered by the administrator as she backed up further into table.

"Uncap it!" Annabeth said through gritted teeth, stabbing the lycanthrope in the paw, only for it to snap at her.

She did just that. Uncapping 'Little Angel' for the first time would not be an experience Nicoletta would forget.

Soft gold made up the bow, light pink trim decorating the weapon with an air of elegance, pulling everything together. As Nicoletta held the grip of little angel in her trembling hand she cursed silently, watching the monster hesitate to rip her into oblivion.

"Hey, Annabeth," she called, voice breaking. "What do I do with a bow and no arrows?"

Annabeth's mouth spouted curses in Ancient Greek, which Nicoletta could also understand. "Forget it! How could I be so stupid. Lycanthropes can only be killed by silver."

Nicoletta glanced at her surroundings. Rainbow assortments of skittles danced on the floor, her peers all screaming around her, and random placements of silverware for the kids eating school lunch.

Praying to God—or rather— the Gods that her school wasn't cheap, she clutched a butter knife in her hand, biting her lip as she threw it at the Lycanthrope only 6 feet away from her.

         The knife punctured it's chest, dirt and dust all tunneling from the utensil until the ex-principal was nothing but a pile of ash.

She crumpled into the seat in blind shock, watching as Annabeth grabbed a fork and drove it into the nape of the monsters neck, dust fluttering into the wind.

Annabeth sheathed her dagger, staring at Nicoletta, wonder clear in her eyes.

"We have to go. Now."


This sucked
ass but yeah

KIKI SPEAKS!This suckedass but yeah

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