Deciding to try and take her over-active mind off of him, she grabbed her phone from under her pillow. A game or two of Candy Crush would do the trick, wouldn't it?

Nope. Not at all.


Sunday morning had arrived, race day. Alex wriggled and then stretched, this sofa was proving to be uncomfortable to sleep on but then getting some uncomfortable sleep was better than getting no sleep at all. Looking down at the floor, she located her phone from where it had fallen earlier in the night. Unlocking the screen provided her with images of Seb that she'd searched online - again. She closed the window and then locked the phone again before dropping it to the floor with a huff. This was silly, it was as if she'd got some kind of schoolgirl crush on him. Two nights running now she'd ended up on Google Images, typing Sebastian Vettel into the search bar at the top. She was able to look at and touch the real thing pretty much whenever she wanted, looking at him online felt like cyber stalking.

The door to the bedroom opened and a very sleepy looking German wandered out, rubbing the back of his neck. Like the morning before, his crumpled navy t-shirt and grey sweat pants told her that he must have slept in them last night; was that because of herself being here too? Had he been worried that she'd creep into his bed in the middle of the night or did he always sleep in those when away from home? He certainly never looked like that when he was home, she'd always assumed that he slept naked which was a very pleasant thought to have.

"Morning." He croaked before stopping to yawn. "Sleep well?"

"Better, yeah, thanks." She sat up, still feeling a bit silly that she'd had to resort to sleeping on his sofa because she couldn't sleep in her own room.

"So you actually got some sleep then?" He stretched his arms up in the air, making his t-shirt ride up a touch to reveal a little trail of hair that led down

Her eyes automatically homed in on the slither of bare skin, even though she'd seen it countless times before when she'd been working with him. I'd love to run my tongue down that little trail, feel him shiver as I get closer to his dick and feel his hands on my head, trying to push me down to it. Maybe I'd get as far down as it but stop at the last second, hear him quietly beg me in German....bitte...bitte....

"Alex?" He called her name for a second time. She looked to be fixated on him, staring at his abdomen, unblinking and lost in thought. Dirty thoughts he wondered to himself.

Her shortened name snapped her back into the room and her face quickly turned from embarrassed at being caught staring to a scowl at having to remind him yet again not to shorten her name like that.

"I asked you if you actually got some sleep?" He asked again, trying to ignore the little frisson of excitement that burst out into little bubbles in his belly. He couldn't quite recall the last time Gisela had looked at him like that. It wasn't that they had a dull sex life, far from it, but nowadays it was always him who instigated things and very rarely her.

"Yeah, I got a few hours." She replied, she wasn't going to admit that she'd been on her phone looking at images of him.

"Good." Things suddenly felt a bit awkward and they both found themselves not knowing what to say each other. It was like their attraction to each other had become something of an elephant in the room, large enough for them to not notice it but neither wanting to strike up a conversation about it. The room went quiet for a moment and they simply looked at each other; Alex from where she was sitting on the sofa, holding the blanket over herself and Seb stood there, still trying to wake himself up. He noticed again how she had a long sleeved top on, knowing what she'd been through with Soren it made him start to think that there was a real possibility that she was hiding something more sinister beneath her sleeves.

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