Ch 5: Jiang Cheng

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They are both startled out of their musings when Nie Hualian claps two times outside the tent flap.

"Sect Leader Nie? I hope I'm not interrupting your discussion. Sect Leader Jiang is here to visit our patient. May we come in or do you need a minute to sort yourselves out?"


"Sect Leader Nie." Jiang Cheng gives him a salute and a bow after thay have been granted access to enter the tent.

"Jiang Wanyin." Nie Mingjue turns to look at Jiang Cheng as he returned it with a salute.

"I've just received the news today that Wei Wuxian is injured and staying in a Nie healer's camp." Jiang Cheng gives Wei Wuxian a stern once over which Wei Wuxian returns sticking his tongue out at him childishly. Jiang Cheng tried to send a subtle glare at him as he returned his focus at Sect Leader Nie.

Nie Mingjue just ignored what is happening between the two of them. "Yes I've found him limping towards the forest last night. Said that he is just gonna check the barrier in there but I figured out that he's secretly hiding his injury after he passed out on me. The Nie camp is much nearer than the Jiang, so I got him to my personal healer, which you've already met. I assume she already gives you the report diagnosis for Wei Wuxian?" Jiang Cheng replied with an affirmative.

"I'll leave you two some privacy then. We'll be back soon." Nie Mingjue needs to talk to Nie Hualian too about something.

After the two Nie's exits the tent. Jiang Cheng marched over to Wei Wuxian to grab his shoulder subtly checking him if there are anymore injuries that he needs to know. As he is doing that, he is trying not to shake him that hard and said irritatedly, "Wei Wuxian! Why didn't you tell me that you are injured huh!? I really have to hear it from the rumours rather than from your own mouth!?". Jiang Cheng moved away to cross his arms across his chest. Feeling a little hurt that he didn't noticed his brother have an injury and not being trusted enough to tell.

"Ahh Jiang Cheng~ you worried about your dear shixiong~?" Wei Wuxian grinned teasingly as he rolled his shoulders here Jiang Cheng grabbed him.

"Who is worried about you!? Anyway what happened out there huh? Last night you told me that you are fine and next thing I know is that you're in a Nie Camp being carried by Sect Leader Nie in the middle of the night." Jiang Cheng gives a light scowl as he tried to look not too worried at him. But Wei Wuxian saw through him and it made him feel light but also a bit guilty to worry his didi like that.

"Ahh. Well-"

"And the Nie healer said to me that you have a serious injury in your right side that would have result into you losing so much blood if she didn't get to stitched it together sooner. You are also under malnurished, anemiac, and bodily exhausted. Why didn't you go to our healers you idiot? Is it the assassins again? Why didn't you told me? Do you really have that weak of a trust to me" Jiang Cheng whispered this time he can't hide the hint of hurt that seeped into his words and stop himself from blurting out that last question. He knows that he is being harsh at his brother, but he can't help it. Secretly, in his very depth core, he really is very worried about him. Ever since his return, it seems like he is a completely different person, more short-tempered and serious, and he doesn't know how to respond to this changes. Top of that is the workload and stress from war and recruiting Jiang disciples at the same time.

Wei Wuxian shook his heard side to side in denial. "Jiang Cheng! I do trust you. It's just that, well"


"I don't want to add myself to the list that you are worrying about. You are already quite stressed about the assassin situation and add your other workloads, you are ready to drop dead Jiang Cheng!" Wei Wuxian can't help but admit it just to comfort and reassure his didi that he do trust him Y̶o̶u̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶G̶o̶l̶d̶e̶n̶ ̶C̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶s̶a̶y̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶?̶ ̶P̶a̶t̶h̶e̶t̶i̶c.

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