Chapter 19

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Jack POV:

It was quiet. Too quiet. As we walked through the roads of New York City, I sensed a presence. I felt someone watching our every move, waiting for the right moment to strike. Our footsteps made almost no sound, but the presence seemed to catch the slightest shift.

Quint quietly came up to me and whispered, "Can you feel something? I don't think we're alone." I nodded in agreement. Something was definitely amiss.

Our theory came true. Suddenly, a huge being jumped in front of us from the shadows. The monster was at least two stories high, with sharp talons and piercing eyes which can penetrate any metal like it was cardboard. It had a minimum of ten tentacles capable of crushing anything in its path.

"LOOK OUT!", June cried. We got out of the way just as the monster's tentacle came hurtling towards us. I grabbed my sword and waved it at the creature, hoping it would be threatened. Of course, it did not get intimidated by a small boy with a small sword crafted out of wood.

Bardle and Skeakla got on the monster, trying to hurt it on the skin while June, Quint, Dirk and I stayed on the lower ground, trying to cause an imbalance. We huddled together. Quint said, "I found a weak point. There is a point of a high centre of gravity. If we cause the tentacles to lose balance, it will tip to the y axis-"

"English please!", said Dirk.

"Right, just take out the tentacles." We nodded and dispersed. June and Quint took a bunch of acids and such chemicals and ran to fight back. I grabbed some broken tree branches and Dirk teamed up with Chef.

Sharp wood in hand, I ran up to the monster. I tried to get a clear shot on the tentacle but it was moving so much that I could not aim. At that moment, I heard a scream. June was distracting the creature with her staff. I took the opportunity to stab the monster right in the middle of its limb. It roared, shaking the trees and displacing the sand. Quint got a hold of some acid bomb and threw it at the other tentacles, burning and numbing them. More cries erupted as the creature tried to shake us off. However, Bardle and Skealka made the final blow, knocking it out cold, and freeing us.

Just as we thought we won, a tentacle swirled around me, sucking the oxygen out of me. I couldn't breathe. My bones felt as if they were being crushed to powder and my muscles were numb from the pain. I felt dizzy. My mind started to whirl and swirl, mixing my reality. My pain slowly subsided when a very familiar yell was heard from a distance. Suddenly, I am freed. I drop to the ground as someone examines me.

June. I come to, slowly getting up. I turn and see the creature on the ground, dripping blood and a disembodied limb on the ground. I flinch away. "What is that?!" I turn and see June with her bloodied staff.

"Your girlfriend saw you were getting tortured and just couldn't help saving you!", teased Dirk. My face went as red as a beet.

"Yeah, yeah, he's a hopeless boy and I'm the saviour. Let's just get going.", said June, ten times more flushed.

* * *

We walked for several hours until we finally reached the Statue of Liberty. Our determination did not falter one bit as we travelled along the rough terrain. The city's roads were supposed to be smooth and effortless to walk on, but the outbreak of monsters ruined its serenity.

We arrived at the foot of the statue and stood in silence. We were all tense, expecting to see more humans. The thought was both terrifying and exhilarating.

So, I stand at the entrance of the Statue of Liberty thinking,

What will we face inside?

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