Chapter 16

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Important AN at the end, please read (Not too long) 

Quint POV:

It seemed like it was only a few minutes back that we defeated Evie. Which it was, of course. We already had a new agenda that we had to get on immediately- save the remaining humans from New York. It felt so unreal. Finding out that there were indeed more people alive in the work except you was relieving. We may find our families. We may have enough people to rebuild the world. Anything was plausible.

After Dirk and I saw June kiss Jack, we have been teasing him about it at every opportune moment. The tension between the two still stands, but I'm sure it will die down eventually. I am so happy for the two of them. After nearly a year, they had the courage to admit their feelings for each other.

Unlike our previous situation, we had no plan. Only that we would head to New York the next morning without any time to waste and look for the remaining humans. We would not unpack our belongings- taking our weapons with us just in case. Biggun would also travel with us for several reasons. He would pull our equipment and belongings and scare away monsters that come in our way. For a spontaneous decision, we had a decent game plan.

"All packed up and ready to go?", said June, coming up from behind me. It was early morning and we were making sure everything was still intact for our long trip ahead.

"Yeah, everything is still here. Quick question, how are we going to drag Evie with us without her breaking loose?" As we didn't know the safest route, we had to bring Evie along with us. We were also going to make her apologise to the citizens of New York. Not sure how that is going to turn out, but we were still going to try.

"The plan is just to keep her in chains but have her mouth uncovered so that she can direct us. Hope it works.", said June.

"Hope you and Jack are gonna be talkier", I mumbled. But June being June, she caught it.

"What's that?"

"Hm? Nothing."

"Yeah right, I heard that. What's that got to do with you anyway?"

"Simple. You two stay awkward, we get uncomfortable. We get uncomfortable, the others are too. That makes the whole godforsaken trip a quiet and unpleasant."


"Come on guys, we're all set to go.", said a voice from behind us.

"Yeah, coming Jack.", I answered and we went to meet the monsters including Evie and get going. In the corner of my eye, I saw Jack and June smile and blush. At least we'll have entertainment on the trip- teasing the power couple.

When we got there, I saw Evie trapped in chains on a chair. She was shooting everyone in her eyeshot a cold glare and even throwing out some insults along the way. We could've stuffed her mouth with a cloth, we couldn't risk getting lost. "I see you three have arrived. We're leaving now.", said Bardle. I looked around. "Where is Dirk?". I asked. Bardle only waved his hand and said, "He's gone to attend nature's call, he'll catch up."

We start walking. It would take a long time- at least a few weeks- to walk all the way to New York City, but we had no other choice. We did consider building another contraption for Biggun to pull in which we can all reside, but along with our inventory, he wouldn't be able to pull us.

As we walk, the people around us converse with one another. I hear Dirk and Chef talking about writing a book of 'our heroic journey', Goblet babble on and on about gardens back in the monster realm to thin air, Bardle and Skealka discussing weapons and magic and finally, Jack and June laughing. I caught the last part of their conversation:

"So that's how Jack the Maniac got his name!", said Jack. June chuckled.

"Right, I forgot you were once a 'hero'"

"Once a hero, always a hero."

"Whatever. Hey, do you know which district we're in right now?"

"No, but Bardle probably does."

"Cool, I'll go ask him.", said June and made her way toward the front when Jack yanked her back by the arm and kissed her.

"Wh-what that f-for?", said a very flustered June, breaking away. Jack smirked.

"Hey, I'm just returning the favour. Can't let you have all the glory can I?" June rolled her eyes smiling and still red in the face.

I smiled to myself. This was going to be one heck of a journey- probably bigger than Evie- but I had the best group of friends in the world. And that would make this life-changing and chilling expedition worth it.


I'm not going to make this too long, so here goes.

Sorry that this isn't my best work. I found out two weeks ago that I tested positive for COVID-19. I have been self quarantined in my room since then. At first, I showed light symptoms such as a blocked nose and no smell and taste, but now, I am perfectly okay. My father had more serious symptoms so he had to be brought to the hospital, but he's discharged now. So, I've been coping with quite a few things and with 8th grade only a week away, I'm going to be really busy. 

So, extremely sorry in advance if the updates are slower! 

And for anyone out there having to quarantine because of Covid, know that you are not alone. After two weeks, everything will be fine, so don't freak out too much. It isn't your fault, either. Covid is just an asshole. 

Stay safe, stay voting,


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