Chapter 6

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Jack POV:

I opened my eyes after what seemed like an eternity. Questions immediately filled my head.

What happened?

Did we win?

Did everyone get out safely?

Did June get out safely?

I groaned at the pain in my head and sat up. I looked around. I was in the treehouse! How was I there? The last I remember, we were in a forest. Who brought us here? Suddenly, a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Glad to see that you're awake, Sullivan.", Evie said. She was sitting in a corner of the treehouse sharpening her weapons. It was kinda creepy.

"I-I- What happened?", I asked, visibly shaken.

"Long story short, you four weak-asses succumbed to the Amare's illusions. I had to save your butts. It wasn't easy, you know.", she said in a very crude manner. I flinched but said nothing about it. Then I remembered June.

"Is June alright?", I asked, afraid of the answer.

"June? Yeah, she's fine. The little prick.", she replied, muttering the last part. She didn't like June? It seemed like they were getting along okay.

After a moment of silence and the slight sound of blades being rubbed on a rock menacingly, she piped up.

"So you wanna go down?", she asked. I politely nodded and headed to Joe's Pizza after Evie. Even on the way down, I could only think of one thing- Evie.

Don't get me wrong, she was very talented and knowledgeable and all, but something just feels off about her. I can feel it. Some dots don't connect. How come she was the only one that didn't get all hypnotized? And why was she so mad that we did? Also, she didn't even have a single scratch! Something is definitely off...

Bardle walked toward us and said, "Hello, Jack. I hope you are doing well now. Since the Amare incident, I was not so sure your team and you would be alright."

"Don't worry, we are. At least I am for now.", I replied reassuringly.

"Good. We'll need all hands on deck. We need to be prepared for anything. I can sense evil in our future.", he said and walked off. What did that suppose to mean?

"Well, great. More evil. If you will excuse me, I am going to take Bane for a stroll. Be right back.", said Evie and ran to Bane and saddled up. This time, I was going to follow my gut and go after her. But before that, I'll leave a note for the others. Don't want a worrisome team now do we?

I put the saddle on Rover and took off. I followed Bane's pawprints leading to the forest and had Rover follow them.

Why did she head back to the forest?

* * *

After about half an hour, the monster's prints disappeared. I dismounted Rover. "Okay Rover, you stay nice and quiet here, okay?", I told the monster-dog and he whined softly in response.

I walked further into the forest, leading me into the same path we went through this morning. Weird.

A small source of light came into my vision. Curious, I walked toward it. I heard faint voices too, so I must be going in the right direction, right?


There I saw Rezzoch herself. And a human she was talking to. I gasped when I realised who it was.


What was she doing here? Was she an alliance of Rezzoch? Was she working with her? I tried pushing away my thoughts to concentrate on what the duo was saying.

"- So did you gain their trust?", asked Rezzoch.

"Yes. Those fools have no idea about my real plan. We visited the Amare today and they were so weak against him. We are sure to win."

"I do hope so. And what about Jack?"

"I try and flirt with him whenever I can, but it's just impossible to gain his affection. He's so into the other selfish goon, June. Do you think we can use her as bait?"

Oh no.

"I have tried the bait method, mortal. They are familiar with it. So no. I will be direct. Any other reports?"

"The guns are ready. I'm sure it will be enough to strengthen the Amare. We will be unstoppable."

"Excellent. I shall be on my way. Make sure you go through with the plan, Snark.", she said and disappeared.

I had to get this information to the team! They need to know about Evie. That little note wasn't enough.

June POV:

I woke up, groggy. Even though I remembered everything, it was still a little foggy. I got up and headed to the treehouse living room, wanting to get something to drink. On the way, I turn to check if Jack is still asleep but I see a bare bed.

Thinking he just went down to Joe's, I head over to the kitchen. Right when I was going to go back, I spotted something on the counter.

"QUINT! DIRK!", I screamed, willing them to wake up. When they stirred, I pulled them to the kitchen and showed them the note from Jack.

Hey. If you are wondering where I am, I have just gone to follow Evie. She left into the same forest and I'm kinda doubting her right now. Just... don't give her any weapons or anything of that sort until it's like 200% clear she's not a villain k?


"Well,", I thought out loud. "Guess we'll have to get that gun back."

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